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RE: Meet Moose

Bird lovers aren't common in my part of the world and yet, I still love them so much. I raise a few chickens and I see birds coming down to share their meals

Sometimes they roll together and there are times when I just what them to let hell loose. Moose looks great and it is definitely in the care of someone who would shower him with so much love.

How I wish I could grow some feathers, fly to your end, and get pampered as well. And I might as well not be able to manipulate you as the birds would do.


I'm glad to hear that you persist as a bird-lover in spite of being the minority where you are. Still, persistence and consistency may lead others to the light!

Birds to me seem somehow separate from other animals with their intelligence and their flight. In some ways I can't understand how more people are not amazed by them. And in other ways I can see how some people are terrified of them.

If you grew feathers and flew over here, you may not be able to manipulate me, but I would certainly be impressed!! 😆

Here is in some parts of Africa, people have a different perspective about crows. Superstitious beliefs about birds and when you talk, it's like I am been brainwashed with what I have read.

Impressing you is enough, I do be asking for too much if I insisted on manipulating you. Impressing you should earn me good meals and love 🤭