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RE: A clip or magazine: Demonstration video (by me)

Have you served in the military before?

I have zero knowledge about guns even to I play games and I would hesitate to choose a gun with lots of rounds so that I don't shoot while reloading.
I guess movie producers should try to be more technical, it would be great having someone like you on a set that has to do with guns.


Most people have no idea about guns, those that play computer games included. All movie sets have armorers and advisers to ensure accuracy, but for some reason still get it wrong. Like, in a gun fight there never seems to be any reloading and yet they just keep shooting. I once counted over forty shots without a reload from a handgun that holds 17 with a standard magazine which is what it had in it. Weirdos.

Thanks for your comments.

Lolz, lots of movies today are very far from reality.

Most are, yes. There's a few that stay true to reality. I'm just really critical as there's so many dumb things that happen around firearms on movies.