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RE: Super Early Morning in the Finnish Nature

in Outdoors and more3 years ago

This will make you laugh ... but they work .


The Wing Man

If you have one of those hanging from the peak of your cap or th collar of your jacket, you won't see a moose fly. I doubt it would be practical to have one shipped from Canada ... but I'd imagine you could find something similar ... perhaps someone who make fly fishing lures could whip one up.


Have you personally tested that out? Seems too good to be true. And it doesn’t mention moose flies, just deer and horse flies, which are very different. I need more info but I’m intrigued!

I even have a friend who has one strapped to the front and the back when she is kayaking and hasn't seen a deer/horse fly near her ever since.


I wear one on my cap when riding/hiking and I haven't been bitten since.

So, for about $10, I haven't been bitten once in about 4 months.

It could be coincidence .... but I'm currently a believer.

It also seems to scare the annoying flies away (the ones that don't bite, but get in your mouth/eyes)

I forgot to mention ... we don't have moose flies in my area ... so it depends if dragonflies are a predator of them or not.

Moose flies find their target by sensing heat, so I don’t think they give a shit about a toy dragonfly :(

A-Salt Rifle

Since this is in the Pew-Pew section. Perhaps you should get a salt gun. Or two ... in side holsters....

I've played with these at BBQ's and they definitely work at splattering the bugs ...and you can look cool while doing it.

What the hell is that, hilarious gadget 😂

I imagine it's what @galenkp uses to add some flavour to his meal ... from 100 yards. :-)

For sure 😂