
Yeah sounds like the jack. Unless its when you turn the knobs then its a dirty pan pot. Also if its an active system (many basses) it could be a grounding issue.

Yeah, the pots are fine and it's not active. The Jack is a bit loose. I remember when I was a youngster I took it to a guitar shop for the sake problems and they charged me 38 quid to put a new jack in. I think they might have robbed me, lol

They did rob you. Jack is the easiest thing to fix unless its a really fancy instrument with resin encased hardware. (My bass has resin encased hardware and electronics.) Makes them very expensive to replace since you cant physically get to the components guts to fix them. So if ky jack goes bad and its happened its like 100 bucks to replace. I have an 18 volt active system though so if anything goes wrong im looking at a paycheck to replace it. Why did i have to buy the equivalent of a "golden calf?" one teacher nicknamed my bass the golden calf at berklee. But he was a dick head. I remember first day of class he addressed everyone innp the class with a speech that started like this "youre in this class because you back at playing the bass. Your bass sucks. Your techniques suck. Even your cord sucks. You're all shit!". We all walked out of his class within a month.