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RE: Guns n Drones Video Shooting Steel

Dqim that sound is amazing hahahaj after sec.45 it gets real hahahha you are good at that, so I think I would hold a target, skate ahead with the electric offroad skate and you hit the target while recording with the drone, when one day I come for a visit hahahah that would be legend.
What a nice thought hahahhah
Great video!
Greez !BEER !invest_vote


Haha, I don't know I'd trust my aim that much! But maybe I'll skate with the pistol in hand and shoot the targets while I'm on the move, all while filming with the drone. Now that would be a trick!

Hahhah yes, yes, yes! That is it hahahah youre such a actionhero, I can picture it! Hope you wear a west hahahha
All the best and stay awsome!
I love engaging with you, allways fun!

Hey @ksteem, here is a little bit of BEER from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

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