Inflation raises it's ugly head in reloading supplies!

Inflation is more apparent in reloading supplies for ammunition than just about any other consumer items.

This powder has increased over 100%:
It used to cost less than $25 a pound, but today it is over $52 a pound. It is a significant increase, maybe on purpose to reduce the availability of ammunition. That I can't be sure of, but it just looks fishy to me!

I always try to replace supplies as I use them, and I needed some primers:

These were about $7 per hundred, but now they cost $20 per hundred. About a 300% increase, which will stop some people from reloading...but not me.

I had 300 rounds of brass ready, so I bought enough for that run:
Cost me over $60 for 300 primers! I used to buy a thousand for just a little more cash....

This is what they look like inside:
I can dump this entire package in my primer tool, and they are proper side up for assembly. Works well, when you have brass clean and ready.

This makes priming a high speed job, that is more expensive these days; but still is just as important to reliable ammunition.

It's a great life if you don't weaken, LOL!


Wow that's some big increases.

Sadly, it will get worse with the out of control spending. I have read about hyper inflation that always follows such wild spending, and I want No part of it!

But here we are, with evil in charge; sailing into those rocks at full speed. So brace for impact....
