New prepping tool for the homestead.

in Outdoors and more2 years ago (edited)

Sometimes I treat myself to some fun. I needed a backup (if you have one, you have none) for some test equipment I rely on.

Used tektronics oscilloscope:

This one will go into my faraday cage:
This equipment allows me to see electronic signals, so I can repair and build new gear. It will allow me to maintain my solar system, after the grid collapses.

This will allow me to keep my communications running too. I intend to set up a family net at Keystone lake on ham radio. I recommend you do the same in your location!

Keep prepping and planning, as long as we are able. The longer we can prep, the easier our lives will be when they destroy the economy!

Stay safe my friends, and keep on prepping....


The gold standard of scopes. Should be built like a tank and be usable for many years to come, even if you just store in in your faraday cage.

I got another better one from a government auction. It was 'beyond calibration' according to the paperwork. When I put it on the bench, the last person to use it had placed the vertical gain in the full variable setting; and left it! They tried to calibrate it without returning the knobs to the 'cal' position! I need to reserve time, to fix their mess, and I'll have another toy....


You got that right! I have a tube type tek (545) scope that is still fully functional, with several input plugins. It is deep back up, LOL.

But without a scope, I'm pretty hampered! Plan to keep things running.


Indeed one is like none, I've just bought 3 second hand solar systems for a fraction of new prices to set up an off grid home system.

Having a deep prep is great! My system will be 6 parallel systems, feeding multiple battery banks. There will be a wind generator also feeding those same batteries.

Put them all in, and use them. That way, if they need tweaking; you can still get parts.

Keep on prepping my friend!


Always peeping.

If your name was Tom, that would be disturbing...LOL!

But I'm glad you're prepping too.

Running your recently purchased solar systems now will save you money, and get you valuable experience! If you have problems, just ask; I know an old boy who will help for free....


I understand if nuclear bomb is used the sun can disappears for many many years to come? Can you imagine that?

It would take many, but that is possible. I'm glad we have a place in heaven!

The second advent is imminent, so watch to the east for Christ in the clouds!

Be at peace my brother!
