Sometimes they say that a pic is worth a 1.000 words...

in Outdoors and more7 months ago (edited)

Sometimes people ask me why I decided to come to Margarita Island and I simply say: Everyone is where they find peace. And that is Margarita Island for me, absolutely peace and tranquility with my inner self. Besides these views from the sea, where the sunsets are reflected in everything you see around you, for me it is priceless.

I have always had a passion for landscape photography and although many times I have not wanted to capture the moments that I have lived here because at that moment I only want it for myself, other times I take the time to look for the best shot and give it a little saturation until I reach the colors that my eyes see at that moment, so that in some way or another they can be felt in each photograph.

I don't know how long I will be here in Margarita Island and I don't know how long I will be here in this world, that's why I try to lead my life in a relaxed way and I let myself be carried away by the moment, by the day to day, trying to get the best smile to the person who gives me a good morning and to always take the beauty of each place where I am, because beyond the problems that exist here and around the world, taking that to our soul, makes us be one more person of the bunch and we would not have good memories to tell, to remember, to smile and to feed the heart.

For that and much more, I surround myself with places that make me rest, feel peace with myself and that inspire me to reflect. I work daily on myself to give me the best of this life and I am not talking on a monetary level, I am referring to the connection that you can have with nature, because constantly when we are outdoors, we go unnoticed by the beautiful things that life and nature give us, because the system makes you robotize you in such a way that a beautiful sunset, becomes something invisible to your eyes because it is something not tangible and that life gives you every day. However, if we observe things more deeply, we could appreciate the beauty that life constantly gives us.

And yes, although sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, I write these letters thanking mother earth for her intense colors, for her healing airs, for all the good and positive things that every part of her has and for the fact of being able to capture every detail in the photos just as I wanted to capture, sharing a little of my photographs with you, hoping you enjoy them and that you also enjoy your surroundings, because there is always something to observe, there is always something to fall in love with wherever we are, no matter how dark the places may seem, the sun always rises, a rose always grows and you will always have the opportunity to appreciate a rainbow, a sunset, a landscape in the mountains or on the beach or in the desert, the point of this is that we learn to see the beauty of nature in its different seasons.

Because as Vincent Van Gogh says: If you really love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.


Hi! I'm a Photographer, Designer and Digital Nomad. I consider myself an independent and constantly growing person. My goal of writing in Hive, is to leave a record of much of my life and in turn, continue to get tools that give me the freedom to travel the world while remaining a 100% productive person.


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All images belong to galenkp and none are for your use

Hi hi!! Thanks a lot for the support🤗

Nice and beautiful shoots
!discovery 25
@tipu curate

@libertycrypto27 aw 🤗 thanks a lot!! And thanks for the support. I hope u’ve a nice day/night🫶🏻

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Thanks a lot 🫶🏻❤️🤗

Wow. The photos are lovely. Wallpaper material.

Your outlook on life sounds pretty much like that of someone I just met. It's like he says "live everyday like it's your last". Cool stuff.


Eyyy! That person you just met knows what it means to live. In the end we know when we come into this world but we don't know when we leave and we’ve to live and leave beautiful footprints. Sooo I'm glad you liked the content. A hug for you🤗

Hehe, much appreciated. untitled.gif

Lovely sunset photos. It is great to take time to appreciate the nature and the luminaries.

Hey🤗!! Thanks a lot and yes, nature is beautiful in all its splendor. I'm glad you liked the pics🫶🏻

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