
Freehand would be very difficult. Every little bump or movement affects the shot. They get close, but even so it wold be extremely difficult shooting from a help like that. Most will used some sort of sling device, or hard-mount.

I'd love to take you shooting so you can get to see just what's involved and how skilled a marksman, or any decent shooter, really is. Maybe someday. You seem to show an interest and it would be good to see you shooting in real life, a great experience for you.

That offer is pretty nice of you, mate. I'd certainly enjoy it, and I promise, I won't be pestering you for your .308. I don't have the money for it anyways, lol. Shooting does sound like it would be a great sport/hobby for me. Though gun ownership in Malaysia's a bit more rigid, though one my mate's uncle somehow owns a .50 AE Desert Eagle.

somehow owns a .50 AE Desert Eagle

Maybe a case of knowing the right people?

I guess it's what happens when you have tonnes of cash, and friends in high places, as you say. My mate did went to the Philippines once, and just as beautiful is the countryside, it's pretty much a firearms free-for-all. I guess once could say it's the Texas of Southeast Asia!

Maybe I should move to the Philippines! Lol.

Lol, I think I'd like that too. But it seems to be a bit violent there, with the drug wars and all.

True. Australia is the place to be. That still happens, but it's more underground. A person can live trouble-free here. I like it.