Ruby Client for Hive: hive-ruby-1.0.0.pre.1

in HiveDevs4 years ago


Hive-ruby the Ruby API for Hive blockchain.

radiator vs. hive-ruby

The hive-ruby gem was written from the ground up by @inertia, who is also the author of radiator.

"I intend to continue work on radiator indefinitely. But in radiator-0.5, I intend to refactor radiator so that is uses hive-ruby as its core. This means that some features of radiator like Serialization will become redundant. I think it's still useful for radiator to do its own serialization because it reduces the number of API requests." - @inertia

Has internal failover logicCan have failover delegated externally
Passes error responses to the callerHandles error responses and raises exceptions
Supports tx signing, does its own serializationAlso supports tx signing, but delegates serialization to database_api.get_transaction_hex, then deserializes to verify
All apis and methods are hardcodedAsks jsonrpc what apis and methods are available from the node
(radiator-0.4.x) Only supports AppBase but relies on condenser_apiOnly supports AppBase but does not rely on condenser_api (WIP)
Small list of helper methods for select ops (in addition to build your own transaction)Complete implementation of helper methods for every op (in addition to build your own transaction)
Does not (yet) support json-rpc-batch requestsSupports json-rpc-batch requests

Getting Started

The hive-ruby gem is compatible with Ruby 2.2.5 or later.

Install the gem for your project

(Assuming that Ruby is installed on your computer, as well as RubyGems)

To install the gem on your computer, run in shell:

gem install hive-ruby

... then add in your code:

require 'hive'

To add the gem as a dependency to your project with Bundler, you can add this line in your Gemfile:

gem 'hive-ruby', require: 'hive'


Broadcast Vote

params = {
  voter: voter,
  author: author,
  permlink: permlink,
  weight: weight
} wif, params: params) do |result|
  puts result


The value passed to the block is an object, with the keys: :type and :value.

stream =

stream.operations do |op|
  puts "#{op.type}: #{op.value}"

To start a stream from a specific block number, pass it as an argument:

stream =

stream.operations(at_block_num: 9001) do |op|
  puts "#{op.type}: #{op.value}"

You can also grab the related transaction id and block number for each operation:

stream =

stream.operations do |op, trx_id, block_num|
  puts "#{block_num} :: #{trx_id}"
  puts "#{op.type}: #{op.value}"

To stream only certain operations:

stream =

stream.operations(types: :vote_operation) do |op|
  puts "#{op.type}: #{op.value}"

Or pass an array of certain operations:

stream =

stream.operations(types: [:comment_operation, :vote_operation]) do |op|
  puts "#{op.type}: #{op.value}"

Or (optionally) just pass the operation(s) you want as the only arguments. This is semantic sugar for when you want specific types and take all of the defaults.

stream =

stream.operations(:vote_operation) do |op|
  puts "#{op.type}: #{op.value}"

To also include virtual operations:

stream =

stream.operations(include_virtual: true) do |op|
  puts "#{op.type}: #{op.value}"


You can use multisignature to broadcast an operation.

params = {
  voter: voter,
  author: author,
  permlink: permlink,
  weight: weight
} [wif1, wif2], params: params) do |result|
  puts result

In addition to signing with multiple wif private keys, it is possible to also export a partially signed transaction to have signing completed by someone else.

builder = wif1)

builder.put(vote: {
  voter: voter,
  author: author,
  permlink: permlink,
  weight: weight

trx = builder.sign.to_json'trx.json', 'w') do |f|

Then send the contents of trx.json to the other signing party so they can privately sign and broadcast the transaction.

trx = open('trx.json').read
builder = wif2, trx: trx)
api =
trx = builder.transaction

Get Accounts

api =

api.find_accounts(accounts: ['hiveio', 'alice']) do |result|
  puts result.accounts

Reputation Formatter

rep = Hive::Formatter.reputation(account.reputation)
puts rep


  • Clone the client repository into a directory of your choice:
    • git clone
  • Navigate into the new folder
    • cd hive-ruby
  • All tests can be invoked as follows:
    • bundle exec rake test
  • To run static tests:
    • bundle exec rake test:static
  • To run broadcast tests (broadcast is simulated, only verify is actually used):
    • bundle exec rake test:broadcast
  • To run threads tests (which quickly verifies thread safety):
    • bundle exec rake test:threads
  • To run testnet tests (which does actual broadcasts)
    • TEST_NODE= bundle exec rake test:testnet

You can also run other tests that are not part of the above test execution:

  • To run block_range, which streams blocks (using json-rpc-batch)
    • bundle exec rake stream:block_range

If you want to point to any node for tests, instead of letting the test suite pick the default, set the environment variable to TEST_NODE, e.g.:

$ TEST_NODE= bundle exec rake test


Patches are welcome! Contributors are listed in the hive-ruby.gemspec file. Please run the tests (rake test) before opening a pull request and make sure that you are passing all of them. If you would like to contribute, but don't know what to work on, check the issues list.


When you find issues, please report them!




Great work @inertia! So glad for your first release of this on steem and now ruby-hive wrapper update 👍👍


The steem-ruby and radiator gems do still technically work on Hive right now, as long as you don't do financial operations. And they're somewhat easy to monkeypatch to support Hive symbols.

But hive-ruby supports all of the operations and already has code to support the new chain_id for the next hardfork.

Thanks for the hard work!

Great work my friend

There are things that I still do not understand about this network, for example because in steemit or hive I cannot see this publication but in busy yes. But busy won't let me like it

Amazing work, thanks!

Great work as always.

Thank you @inertia! This is the kind of basic work to make things easier for other developers!

great help for all developers

Awesome! I'll probably never use it, but this is really great! :)

Pretty important contribution and for sure helpful for ruby developers out there. I mostly am looking on different ways to interact with the HIVE blockchain and make small tools for my use so thanks for this!