How is $0.51 equal to low ratings?

in HiveDevs3 years ago

Why does this say low ratings?

This post was not flagged, it was not downvoted, it has $0.51, and yet it says low ratings.

How is $0.51 low?

Click here to see the post in question.

Screenshot at 2021-02-18 00:42:00.png

Regarding The Non-Non-Travel Post

12:44 AM - Hive | Regarding This Post

I already wrote a pretty long post about some related issues earlier.

My brother Rick Arnold @rsarnold316 is new to Hive Blog.

And this is what happens to new people with no warning whatsoever.

This post was not flagged, it was not downvoted, it has $0.51, and yet it says low ratings.

But it was muted.

It should say images were hidden because it was muted.

Not because of low ratings.


I notice that if viewing this post on the images all show ok. The post itself has been muted, though, presumably by the community admin for whatever reason.

It has recently been downvoted by a person who said it was too religious.