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RE: Hive API node performance measurement

in HiveDevs3 years ago

Hi @blocktrades i have a question:
I think I read some time ago that the get_follower/ing calls will be served by hivemind and no more by the follow_api. Is it correct?
The follow api no longer exist? And all its methods are now served by the hivemind api? So also get_follow_count?


get_followers/following are definitely served by hivemind, and have been for quite a while I think (as long as Hive existed, I believe, but not 100% sure without checking). But we've moved some other API functionality from hivemind to hived (reputation, notifications, and voting data) as part of Eclipse work to reduce memory usage by hived and improve API speed.

Yeah I know...great work and thank you for your answer!!

From my little experience, I noticed a huge improvement on the node. Before that node was one of the worst, now it's the best :)

I think has almost always had the strongest overall performance (because it was internally supporting several hiveminds and hiveds), but it also had the most traffic, so performance perceived by an individual user of the api server would often seem lower than the performance of a lightly loaded api server.

There could also sometimes be latency issues associated with when we served some of the data from outside it's primary data center while doing testing on experimental versions of hivemind.

With our recent changes, the large amount of traffic going there just doesn't load us much at all and we're serving with a single hivemind locally situated in the data center, so even perceived performance (responsiveness/low latency) should be very good.

Yes the performance is very good. Before the most common error i saw on my terminal was RPCError Request Timeout, now it's a lot better

Yes, that error typically indicates some form of excessive loading on the server when you see it (the other possibility can be to ask a question with a difficult answer, but we've speeded up the code to the point where it's hard to ask a question that is difficult enough to stump the server now).

thanks for the explanation, and good work!