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RE: Creation of HiveDevs Community - Information about HiveDevs

in HiveDevs4 years ago

off topic, how does one recover and account if the account holder only has their passphrase word, I have a friend who used my invite to register but did not copy their posting keys active keys etc. but they have the 12 word passphrase? cant seem to help her, searched everywhere, anyone who can advise, would be greatly appreciated. trying to onboard and it is a nightmare. wish we could make it easier somehow for people who have no clue.


the password is used to generate the keys (as long as the user doesn't manually change a specific key)

you can generate the keys from the password using @hiveio/hive-js javascript library like this..

  var hivejs = require('@hiveio/hive-js');
  var keys = hivejs.auth.generateKeys("username", "password here", ["owner","active","posting","memo"]);

there are many other ways to achieve this with different libraries; if you need more help you can always go to HiveDevs discord and ask there.