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RE: With the Hive.Loans DHF Proposal Nearly Reaching the Acceptance Threshold to Help Fund the 60 Day Rapid Development of the Project, Let's Take a Moment to Thank the DHF Supporters Making This All Possible for the Community.

in HiveDevs3 years ago

I wrote a post yesterday about it and mentioned in there that this is an excellent idea. It effectively turns the DHF into a venture capital fund, providing financing for projects that can provide a return over time.

If one went private financing, the money people would want a piece of the action. It only makes sense that the DHF treat things in a similar fashion.

Great idea and I am glad it struck a chord. The open source is also vital, part of it being well received.


Went and checked your post out. I dig it.

In regards to using the "pay it forward" methodology it's sort of the next logical step in the evolution of DHF funded proposals. If you give back to the source that funded the development it in turn ensures that in the future it can be used again. Hopefully people understand the importance of making sure the DHF is available to future HIVE development, it's vital in my opinion.

HIVE as a network isn't some fly by night here and gone type thing. It's important we take the future 5 or 10 years down the line into considerations when planning our actions of today. It would be a shame if in some point in the future developers on HIVE were unable to receive funding due to the DHF being empty.. This is a step towards preventing that.

It's important we take the future 5 or 10 years down the line into considerations when planning our actions of today.

Without a doubt, that is vital. We need to do the things that keep replenishing it. If some of these projects are screaming successes, they can really keep a steady flow of resources to the DHF, which will lead to more development down the road.

Glad to see some like you are taking the long term view of things.