Frugality at it's best.

in FreeCompliments4 months ago

I was staring at the calendar on my phone, oh shoot! In two weeks, it will be my turn to host the club. I couldn't miss or skip it because doing so would incur a hefty fine.

photo by Gustavo Fring from pexels

My phone's ringtone indicating an incoming call, distracted my thoughts. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it's my girlfriend and fellow club member, Mary that's calling.

" Hey girl what's up?” I said as I picked up the phone.

"I'm doing fine dear. I called to remind you of your hosting rights, hope you have not forgotten?" She asked.

" I've not forgotten o but looking at the harsh economic conditions now, I'm scared of the cost in hosting this event and I know missing it would cost me twice as much, so I'm stuck" I lamented.

"Come on girl, why are you allowing the economy stop you. I've known you for nine years now and if anyone can pull this off, then it's you. I believe you can look for inexpensive and fun things to keep the club members entertained for three hours. It's no biggie for a brainy like you ok" she said confidently.

I replied in the affirmative, hung up the call and began to task my brain cells. Usually when any club member hosts, there is a lot to eat and drink, from jollof rice or fried rice to soft drinks and malt drinks. Getting those right now cost an arm and a leg and going ahead to do so against my better judgement would bore a deep hole into my savings, which to me is not a wise idea. Time to put on my thinking cap, I sighed loudly.

What are sone inexpensive and fun ideas for entertainment?

photo by nappy from pexels

I brought out my writing pad and began to jot down some points.

  1. For refreshments: Thinking about drinks to serve, I decided to opt for Zobo and tiger nut drinks which I can make pretty well by myself at home. I would ensure that they are served chilled.
  • Then I moved to food: I thought of going out of the box to prepare healthy snacks rather than cook the conventional rice. With this in mind, I wrote down, fruit salad, cabbage and carrot fritters (I learnt from @george-dee) and some plantain pizza. I smiled inwardly as I knew these delicacies were mouth watering and would serve the house well.
  1. Moving to the entertainment part, I quickly wrote down some interesting games that I would get everyone to play in such as;
  • Truth or Dare
  • Solitaire
  • Scrabble
  • Chess
  • Mimicry

I could even sweeten the pot by turning some games into a competition. This would be so much fun, hehe

photo by Askar Abayev from pexels

  1. For the venue, it would be held at my place, my garden to be precise. I would only need to set up a tent which would serve as a form of shade whilst we all enjoy the cool breeze.

  2. For music, my mp3 speaker and phone would do a great job, all I needed was to select my playlist and it's all done.

Looking at what I had written down, I smiled confidently. Mary was right, I could pull this off, no matter what the economy is like.

Thank you all for reading..shalom

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Girl, you really pulled this out, wow. I can envisage how fun, exciting and enjoyable the meeting will be with all these mouth watering delicacies.

It's good to see you finally post here, good job and welcome once again.


Yes o, fun at it's best with less expenses.

Thank you ma'am. Have a lovely day ahead