The Hero Of Civilisation : A Woman Wednesday

in FreeCompliments3 months ago


The whole world has we know it needs women to procreate, multiply and continue generation on and on. We have seen enough that women can do, they make the home, turn houses to home and make family out of a sperm.

I give it up to them when it comes to bringing life, women are more powerful than you can ever imagine.

I'm not here to exhibit women today though. I am here for a different thing, a call for help and a remembrance to all the women who have in one way or the other lost there lives in the hands of toxic women, I'm talking of women who in the process of keeping the home and sticking with there family, they have been maimed, killed, abuse for years and even died in the process.

Though many are forgotten now, and only few of them get justice but we cant remove this menace of abusive men from the society, only few go to jail, others roam the street, while the dead gets forgotten with time, there children are left to scavenge from what's left, they are never taken care of, and the effect is eternal.

So, today, to all the women out there, I say a very big kudos to you, the single mother who lost it early in the days of marriage, to the widow with children and has to fend for it. The list is endless.

I say kudos to you all, you're the hero of the generation, the unsung warrior of civilisation.

This is my entry to today women's Wednesday.