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RE: Nineties Friday Week #4 with some Seinfeld

in FreeCompliments2 months ago

I don't know any of these entertainers, maybe it's because I was born in the early ninetys even though, I didn't watch a lot of movies or entertainers growing up, except for indigenous and blues when I was a teenager.

@tipu curate


That's understandable because where you grew up. If you ask someone from Venezuela they would likely be clueless about the show, though most would know AC/DC and Selena because they were popular throughout South America.

How are you feeling today?

I wasn't big on south American entertainment though, even in Nigeria we were mainly into African countries and blues. We mostly stuck to these.

Well, I'm alright, at least I can say. I have my D appointment in three days and the cost of transportation is higher because no fuel on the country.

That sucks, I'm sorry to hear that. Is there a country wide shortage of fuel right now?

It's one of the reasons why I wanted to even leave this country. There's actually fuel, but the marketers are hoarding and releasing very little to the market so they can make more money at the expense of people

Corruption at it's worst... That's just wrong!

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