
I don't know any of these entertainers, maybe it's because I was born in the early ninetys even though, I didn't watch a lot of movies or entertainers growing up, except for indigenous and blues when I was a teenager.

@tipu curate

That's understandable because where you grew up. If you ask someone from Venezuela they would likely be clueless about the show, though most would know AC/DC and Selena because they were popular throughout South America.

How are you feeling today?

I wasn't big on south American entertainment though, even in Nigeria we were mainly into African countries and blues. We mostly stuck to these.

Well, I'm alright, at least I can say. I have my D appointment in three days and the cost of transportation is higher because no fuel on the country.

That sucks, I'm sorry to hear that. Is there a country wide shortage of fuel right now?

It's one of the reasons why I wanted to even leave this country. There's actually fuel, but the marketers are hoarding and releasing very little to the market so they can make more money at the expense of people

Corruption at it's worst... That's just wrong!

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Seinfeld was awesome…. AC/DC is such a classic metal band, and great in concert. Selena well…..😪

Seinfeld was an awesome show, I think they called it quits a couple seasons early though. And very few are good as AC/DC in concert. I guess the lesson from Selena is be careful who you trust with your money... it is sad!

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Nice.. I'll take it! AC/DC is tops.. specially the OG AC/DC from the 70's. I gave the parental units a good bit of grief when Highway To Hell was released, had that on repeat and loud as I could get it lolz. Might have to add my two cents to this Nineties Fridays perhaps.

Have a great weekend!

AC/DC was great back in the 70's, but Brian Johnson launched them to new heights in the 80's It's hard to go wrong with some good old AC/DC!

You have a great weekend too!

There are still some reruns of the Seinfeld show, and I bet you watch them!

I don't watch much on network anymore, mostly just streaming these days. So the only Seinfeld I see is on Netflix!

@silversaver888! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thebighigg. (20/50)

Fucking love The Soup Nazi.

One of the funniest characters, it's a shame they only had him in one episode. Technically a cameo in the last episode as well I guess. He was hilarious!

Love me some Seinfeld!

It’s wild Thunderstruck is from 1990. I mean now going back to late seventies to nineties feels like forever! But that’s like a band that had a record out in 2008 then now.
It’s almost like the culture was so much more packed back then so it feels just different! Strange days in the 21st century 🎸🍻

Very different today.... Those guys have been at it for about fifty years now and they keep on going!

One of my favorites on Seinfeld was the soup Nazi so classic Seinfeld Lol!!!🤣😊
Kramer painting over the lines on the “ Expressway “☺️
Been born and raised in Cincinnati, me and the Mrs. always referred to I 75 as the expressway. After moving to Colorado and then onward to the northwest no one knew what expressways were Lol!😇

I only know because I lived on the east coast for three years... Out west they're freeways!

Different worlds East Coast to the West😇
It’s interesting when you live in different places I’m sure you have your fair share of stories !😇

Very different places....

Very much so!😇

I love me some Seinfeld.

That was such a fun show!

You have a good project of sharing 1990's shows. It is great.
I am interested in the other projects you mentioned. Please explain it more to me.

This one isn't technically my project, it @geneeverett 's creation. On Friday's you just share anything from the 1990's in a post using the tag #ninetiesfriday and that gets you entered. Right now there is a a prize of 6 HSBI units for the weekly winner, I'm not positive how that is picked. You could ask @geneeverett on that point.

We would love to have you join in the fun!

@revjohno! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thebighigg. (1/50)

Thanks so much for your encouragement and rewards.

You're welcome!

Thanks so much.

@thebighigg, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/3) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @thebighigg gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻
