Life Tour,Trek and Trip

in FreeComplimentslast month

Nestling faith in God is akin to rigging the finest armor. We are unmoved by any storm from outside nor the war from within our own heart’s battle.

Hesitations won’t bother us, for we fully trust our fate to our ultimate creator. God’s challenges are not meant to break us, but to shape us into precious stones. Life must be bumpy and rough, but with God’s will and way, you surely - won’t end up being astray.

He is a compass for our life journey and a Salve to our worries, no matter how far and uncertain our trip must be -we are ready. Our life journey has all sorts of travel, must be a tour, trip, or a trek - we go further.

Tour, once in our lives we savor that fare. A chapter or chapters in our life we seem in child’s school fare. We are at the peak of happiness and enjoy all the rides, we are amused by the color and vibrancies, some dazzling lights and wonders that make our hearts delighted.

Tour of Life is all about sunny sunshine and fresh air, leisure, and luxury we all had our fair share. A slice of a sweet cake from a career at its height or maybe some baked cookies from the love of our life.

Trek, somehow a travel in trek gave us bruises and scratches as we struggled to the trail we hardly walked and almost crawled on our way there up. This travel in life causes us lots of effort, learning, and tears that are vast. For in this chapter of our lives, our faith was fully tested. We all thought that our goal to reach the peak can’t be succeeded.

With God’s guidance, we persevere and make those gray clouds of hesitation disappear. As we leap, uphold our faith to get up and again embark on our journey for we know that God is on our back.

The trip is our life’s journey that’s uncanny, we travel this life with mystery and puzzle. Unbothered by any hindrance nor any obstacle, for we had been from a Trek of Life we had done once we had traveled. The trip must be stormy and wavy we care less as we sail for our faith in God is stronger and won’t fail.

In our hearts, we knew, that God is Almighty and can command the anger of the sea and cease the raging wave for no one will be hurt - either you or me.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Despite the hard trek, there were some beautiful views and moments! 🙏

Precisely.The Harder the Trek (life challenges), The more enchanting and breath-taking the scenery on the peak as fruit of great hardship is great success. Let us all stay motivated. 🙏🍀

💪💪💪💪 Well. I have life goals: Financial, Parenting, Relationship and Work goals.

And then I have some hobby and recreation goals too!

To do a work on all of them is also quite the challenge so this should keep me busy and strong! !LOL !LUV

🍻 To motivation!

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Woow, beautiful moments ny friend 😊