Wuz Satoshi a Frog Like Jin Chan?


Frog Fact Of The Day;
In China, frogs are associated with yin or female energy.
For this reason, the Chinese also associate frogs with the moon.
In Chinese traditional folklore a legendary three legged frog named Jin Chan was said to come out during a full moon.
If he appears near a home or business, good luck and wealth will come to that establishment.
Jin Chan is often depicted as a large bull frog with one back leg and glowing red eyes.
He also has a coin in his mouth and sits atop a pile of money.
Nicknamed the Money Frog, Jin Chan is often used in Feng Shui to increase the flow of money and to protect against bad luck.

Wit further study it is found dat Jin Chan haz/hab seven diamonds on itz/hiz back.


Da companion of Xian(ren).

Feels Good Man!


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Dats one rich froggie, with a diamond-studded back, and rubies for eyes! I wonder if he had a golden peg leg! 😁🙏💚✨🤙

Maybe.. ..may be a long lost part of da tale! 🙏💚✨

The Hidden History of Jin Chan! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


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