[EN/PT-BR] The price of conquest

in FreeCompliments2 months ago (edited)



There is a saying that says that when we are chasing a dream or an achievement, we must follow the idea that “there are no holidays or weekends”, giving the affirmative that if you really want to achieve something incredible experience for your life, you must sacrifice moments of rest, leisure and presence with your friends and family in exchange for this. A very intense idea and to some extent understandable, but should this price of achievement really be paid?

My example with Hive is one of the best I can give. I confess that in my peaceful life, I have never fought so hard for something, I don't remember doing anything in my life that I applied 3 years of focus and daily construction, obviously apart from the mandatory studies in schools and college, I had never dedicated myself so much to anything, as I have with content creation on Web 3.0. At certain times, everything still seems like big news.

So, in these almost 3 years (3 days left until the date arrives) I have already changed the way I post and interact with people in the community many times. I remember the first few months, making two posts almost every day, after a certain time, I started posting only once a day, 7 days a week and since the beginning of this year 2024, another reduction, focusing on posting just 5 days a week. week (Monday to Friday) and Saturday and Sunday as wildcards, as I had decided on a few things: spending more time with my family and resting my mind.


If I had enough time and motivation, I would have loved to have continued with two posts a day or just 1 per day during the week, but I've reached a point where my body and mind can no longer handle this pace. So, I'm pursuing my dream, which, like many Brazilians, is to achieve a certain financial freedom, to make those memes or movies that we see one day or another like, of a guy who wakes up, does his physical activity, has a lot of Money , no boss and a good life. Yes, I want to make money without doing anything, there's no point in denying it, I dare say that 99% of people want this and anyone who says they don't want it is lying.

It turns out that in my head, with all this time living with Hive, posting about it on several other social networks and being called crazy almost all the time, or hearing that creating content and messing with Cryptocurrency it's stupid (yes, with those words) I'm still here, chasing my dream. Hive has many ways to make us earn money without doing anything, whether by delegating your Hive Power (HP) and receiving some resources daily, investing in one of the games we have available or focusing on some Token such as DBOND/DAB, LGN, SIM, EDS, BBH and several others that somehow generate resources daily or weekly. Here is a sea of opportunities to be explored.

It turns out that to reach this level of financial elegance, we first have to follow the path of thorns, hard work. Unless you are already rich enough to come in and invest thousands of dollars, we commoners have to do what we do most in our lives: work, chase, set goals and projects to one day get where we want, no matter how much. this future is bleak, we must believe that it is possible to get there and well, I believe that everyone who is still here firm and strong thinks the same.


Even so, I realized that living as if there were no holidays or weekends can be dangerous, reinforcing the idea that this is at some point bullshit. We must fight, yes, for what we want, but there is no point in exchanging your physical and mental health for money, perhaps it will not be able to recover everything you invested in such a dream, so, just as I reduced and reconsidered several strategies, perhaps you too need to do this.

I adopted as a mantra “wandering is always better than sitting still” instead of living an illusory life that I am a robot that needs to work 24x7 to achieve a goal. I know it will get there and until then, enjoy and learn from the process.




Existe um ditado que diz que quando estamos atrás de um sonho ou de uma conquista, devemos seguir a ideia de que “não existe feriados ou finais de semana”, dando a afirmativa de que se você quer conquistar algo realmente incrível para a sua vida, você deve sacrificar momentos de descanso, lazer e presença com seus amigos e familiares em troca disso. Uma ideia bem intensa e até certo ponto compreensível, mas, será que esse preço da conquista deve ser realmente pago?

O meu exemplo com a Hive é um dos melhores que posso dar. Confesso que em minha vida pacata, eu nunca lutei tanto por algo, não lembro de ter feito nada na minha vida que apliquei 3 anos de foco e construção diária, tirando obviamente os estudos obrigatórios em escolas e faculdade, nunca havia me dedicado tanto com nada, como tenho com a criação de conteúdo na Web 3.0. Em certos momentos, tudo ainda parece ser uma grande novidade.

Então, nestes quase 3 anos (falta 3 dias para chegar na data) já modifiquei muita vezes como posto e interajo com as pessoas da comunidade. Lembro dos primeiros meses, realizando quase todo dia duas postagens, depois de um certo tempo, comecei a postar somente 1 vez por dia, 7 dias da semana e desde o começo deste ano de 2024 mais uma redução, focando em postar apenas 5 dias da semana (segunda a sexta) e o sábado e domingo como coringas, pois havia decidido algumas coisas: passar mais tempo com a minha família e descansar a minha mente.


Se tivesse tempo e motivação suficiente, eu adoraria ter continuado com dois posts por dia ou apenas 1 por dia durante a semana, mas, cheguei a um ponto em que meu corpo e a minha mente já não aguentam mais esse ritmo. Então, estou buscando o meu sonho, que assim como de muitos brasileiros, é conquistar uma certa liberdade financeira, fazer iguais aqueles memes ou filmes que vemos um dia ou outro, de um cara que acorda, faz sua atividade física, tem muito Dinheiro, nenhum patrão e uma vida boa. Sim, quero ganhar dinheiro sem fazer nada, não adianta negar, arrisco dizer que 99% das pessoas querem isso e quem fala que não quer está mentindo.

Acontece que na minha cabeça, com este tempo vivendo a Hive, postando sobre ela em diversas outras redes sociais e sendo chamado de maluco quase o tempo todo, ou ouvindo que ficar criando conteúdo e mexendo com Criptomoeda é burrice (sim, com essas palavras) continuo aqui, correndo atrás do meu sonho. A Hive tem muitas formas de fazer a gente ganhar dinheiro sem fazer nada, seja delegando seu Hive Power (HP) e recebendo diariamente alguns recursos, investindo em algum dos jogos que temos disponíveis ou focando em algum Token como o DBOND/DAB, LGN, SIM, EDS, BBH e diversos outros que de alguma forma geram recursos diários ou semanalmente. Aqui é um mar de oportunidades para ser desbravado.

Acontece que para chegar neste nível de elegância financeira, primeiro temos o caminho dos espinhos, o trabalho duro. A menos que você já seja rico na realidade para entrar e investir milhares de dólares, nós plebeus temos que fazer o que mais fazemos na nossa vida: trabalhar, correr atrás, traçar metas e projetos para um dia chegar lá onde queremos, por mais que esse futuro seja sombrio, devemos acreditar que é possível chegar lá e bem, acredito que todos que continuam aqui firmes e fortes pensam o mesmo.


Mesmo assim, percebi que viver como se não houvesse feriados ou finais de semana pode ser perigoso, reforçando a ideia de que isso em certo ponto é besteira. Devemos lutar, sim, pelo que queremos, mas não adianta trocar a sua saúde física e mental por dinheiro, talvez ele não vá conseguir recuperar tudo o que você investiu para tal sonho, então, assim como reduzi e reconsiderei várias estratégias, talvez você também precise fazer isso.

Adotei como mantra “devagar e sempre é melhor do que parado” ao invés de viver uma vida ilusória de que sou um robô que precisa fazer 24x7 para realizar um objetivo. Sei que ele chegará e até lá, é aproveitar e aprender com o processo.



🔹Hive Games: Splinterlands | dCrops | Terracore | Holozing🔹

🔹Play and Mine Crypto: Rollercoin | Follow me on X🔹

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


@shiftrox, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/2) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @shiftrox gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out https://hiq-hive.com or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻

Obrigado por promover a comunidade Hive-BR em suas postagens.

Vamos seguir fortalecendo a Hive

Metade das recompensas dessa resposta serão destinadas ao autor do post.

Vote no @perfilbrasil para Testemunha Hive.

Sei muito bem o que você quer dizer, e também entrei nessa de dar um tempo das coisas!

@shiftrox! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @crazyphantombr. (1/1)

Têm que ir aos poucos, apesar de estar focando bastante e dos rendimentos até estarem bem, não estava compensando pegar tão pesado todo dia, então sábado e domingo é mais relax, ficar de boa kkk.


@crazyphantombr! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @shiftrox. (1/20)

I went to a really emotional wedding the other day.
Even the cake was in tiers.

Credit: lofone
@crazyphantombr, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of shiftrox

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

You have to take a break for sanity's sake I find. Even if I have an idea sometimes I take the day off because I need to the break. Then again I'm not young as I once was...

I agree achieving economic freedom through passive income is always our goal, because if you can get paid for doing nothing vs working like slave it's really a no brainer. And it's hard to disagree with wandering is better than standing still, it also keeps life more interesting.

Don't work too hard!

@shiftrox! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thebighigg. (20/50)

Always seeking a balance between work and rest, this is essential. Passive income is what we strive for, I'm tired of working so hard and not getting what I deserve for my hard work haha, I really want to change that!

Thanks for the comment!


@thebighigg! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @shiftrox. (5/20)

Did you hear about the Scooby Doo villain who became an Olympic swimmer?
He would have won, if it weren't for all those medaling kids!

Credit: reddit
@thebighigg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of shiftrox

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

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Check out our last posts:

Our Hive Power Delegations to the April PUM Winners
Feedback from the May Hive Power Up Day
Hive Power Up Month Challenge - April 2024 Winners List

Mano primeiramente parabens pelos 3 anos de Hive, não é para todo mundo essa marca, tanto tempo de dedicação. Que esse tempo plantando na hive vem como muitos frutos lá na frente. Parabéns por todo esforo!

Valeu man, evolui bastante desde os meus primeiros dias, mas ainda tem um bom caminho pela frente, vamos com tudo para chegar lá né? Têm que ter foco e gás pra continuar trilhando o caminho! Valeu broder!!!


@elderdark! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @shiftrox. (3/20)

I sent my girlfriend a 'Get Better' card.
She's not sick, or anything - I just think she can get better..

Credit: reddit
@elderdark, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of shiftrox



True. Work-life balance.

You always have to have a good balance between them, nothing too much of one or the other. I've realized that you have to have a balance between things, otherwise you'll get bad stress and accumulated tiredness!


@fixyetbroken! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @shiftrox. (4/20)

My father wants me to study law and be a good lawyer
He needs me to get him out of jail.

Credit: vaipraonde
@fixyetbroken, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of shiftrox

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

I agree. Have a nice day.

Thank you very much, have a great day too!


@shiftrox! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ phillarecette. (6/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

What is a golfer's favorite type of cheese?

Credit: reddit
@shiftrox, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of phillarecette

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

Thx my friend!


@shiftrox, sorry! You need more $ALIVE staked to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 1000.0 ALIVE staked (non-delegated stake plus incoming delegations).

More $ALIVE is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex, plus you can win Alive Power delegations in our daily chat on @alive.chat every day.

@phillarecette! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @shiftrox. (2/20)

Can't live with it can't live meow it.

Credit: reddit
@phillarecette, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of shiftrox
