My hair is growing like mad, here are my thoughts

in FreeCompliments6 months ago

The past month or so I have noticed a change in my hair and skin. I will do my best to give my thoughts, details on supplements etc but please note I am not a medical doctor or health care professional. There are more benefits/mechanisms of action with these supplements that are not mentioned. I am just basically describing what I take them for.I am both going by research and making guesses here.

In general I have very dry skin and hair. My skin is so dry especially in the winter if I do not moisturize several times a day it will crack and that is needless to say unpleasant. My hair is also very dry (or it was it has changed recently). I have thick curly hair that has also ways been very slow to grow out. Since my hair is so curly it usually takes months for me to even see any new growth.

So what's going on now?

My hair is growing faster. I can tell because I just trimmed and thinned it out around Thanksgiving. It now is longer than it was before I trimmed it. It is also shinier and most days zero frizz.

I do not need any leave in conditioners or anti-frizz products.

My skin is also looking brighter. I am using moisturizers less often (not really on purpose just don't need them as much).

I look younger than I am. Most people guess my age at about 10 years younger than my actual age. My mother also experienced this and she was a sun bather and a smoker. That said my skin is looking a bit younger than usual. More even skin tone, more luminosity ,less visible fine lines/wrinkles.

My skin is generally clear. I do have rosacea flare ups but those usually only last a couple of days. I rarely get pimples.

I really need to go to a carnival to one of those "guess your age' people. That's always fun lol.

There are many factors that can be contributing to this. Here is a list of supplements that may be contributing

-NAD+ nasal sprays and precursors (I take one or the other but do alternate) NAD+ helps create cellular energy (and does a bunch of other shit)

-B complex plus inositol/choline, folate, b12
B complexes are common in "hair skin and nail" vitamin formulas. I have taken these for decades and never noticed a difference in my hair growth until recently.

-adding TMG to my regimen.
Side note if you are taking any b vitamins or b vitamin like substances you should look into adding TMG. Please don't ask me to explain why as I do not understand it completely. I do know that if you take certain supplements and don't take TMG that can have adverse outcomes-something to do with inhibiting methylation.

Rapamycin: Can speed up cellular turn over. It also can help clean up cellular debris/zombie cells . There are some anti aging skin care creams that contain rapamycin.(There are also anti aging creams that contain NAD+ or similar compounds) These are some of the reasons rapamycin is considered a longevity medicine in addition to its other medicinal uses.

-TUDCA: This is a bile salt so mostly good for liver and gallbladder. It also helps strengthen the mucosal layer of the intestines. This may help with absorption (I have a lot of absorption issue sand will be adding butyrate to this soon). I have a lot of absorption issues and despite supplementing the hell out of shit I am often deficient in b12 ,iron,vitamin d.

So what about my fingernails?

My nails are weird. They don't usually grow out, as they tend to break . When they do grow out they are very warped. They grow both upward and downward (sometimes on the same nail) and some of my nails look a bit like scoops or spoons. If they were long I could probably eat soup with them.

I haven't noticed any difference in my nails. They still are very brittle and growing in strangely when they can grow out. I keep them short as when they break they tend to break at the nail bed and that hurts.

TLDR - My hair is growing out faster and healthy- looking. My skin looks fabulous too.


I have heard about been who have dry skin but first time I will be hearing that both dry skin and hair can also happen to someone. Quite interesting. Also, I am happy about the growth of your hair because as much as it might look little, it is something we should celebrate greatly

That's great news about your hair! Maybe the rapamycin is making a big difference!

My nail have always been soft and break, it's a good thing I'm not a woman because I would have very bad nails... Not that it matters these days since all fake nails out there!

Don't know much about TMG, I'll have to look that one up. I'm glad your hair and skin are doing great, that's encouraging!

ah yes acrylics, the only way I could ever have long nails.

I know with pets you can tell a lot about their state of health from their coats. I wonder if humans are the same or similar in that regard.

I didn't know about TMG until I got the NAD+ nasal spray.When I added to to my regimen, stuff started working better.

Cool, I'll have to do some reading to learn something new today!

Nice. Feel free to share if you learned anything interesting.

How are you feeling today?

Struggling in a lot of ways but alive

Better than the other alternative! The struggling part really sucks though. What's up?

On the supplements very limited real information scientifically. Just not enough money in it for someone to fund a large scale study. Always a huge problem with supplements, lack of money for research if the company can't earn a profit off of it.

"My hair is growing faster. I can tell because I just trimmed and thinned it out around Thanksgiving. It now is longer than it was before I trimmed it. It is also shinier and most days zero frizz."

I am really happy to see and hear about this great development.

Thanks. I am hoping my eyelashes will come back too :)


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