
I'm so sorry, that really sucks. I hope today will be a slightly better day for you. It's horrible having set backs like this. How's your temperature doing?

I've had a relapse too, right pelvis flared up. Thank you US government for safe COVID vaccines, the gift that keeps on giving more than two years later. I'm living off of 1000 mg of Ibuprofen to just walk with a bad limp right now. Headed for prednisone again...

I do hope you're feeling a little better, I know you're in much worse shape than I am.

ouch sorry you are having a flare up. Right in the hip too. A very unpleasant place. Not that there is a pleasant place to hurt...

No, not prednisone. I can't handle that medicine. I am ok with inhaled steroids though. The arnica gel and lidocaine is helping that painful spot on my foot.

My temperature is not great. When I crash not only do I feel hot/cold but my body temp usually plummets (or spikes).

Normal temp for me ; 96.8

Now 95.4

Must be psychosomatic temperature dysregulation.

My vision is terrible too. More of that double vision shit. I can't really read as everything has a shadow/reflection effect. My glasses make it worse (the double vision is "clearer") I don't wear glasses all the time luckily .

All I did to have this crash is move two boxes (not that heavy)and have a 10-15 minute conversation sitting (mostly) upright. This illness is insidious. And doctors wonder why I can't do in person visits and jump from specialist to specialist.

Happy new Year

That really sucks!

I'm sure you are controlling your temperature with your mind, you should stop that.... WTF?

I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, double vision really does make life hard. Unfortunately until the attack subsides there's not much to do. But you already know that. More docs should do home visits in my opinion. I used to! It wasn't always easy but some people just couldn't leave home so I went to them.

I think I'm headed down prednisone road, which sucks because it makes my blood sugar go up. Then the moron of a doctor ordering the labs freaks out until I explain basic endocrinology to him. It's never been a her when that's happened. Maybe that's saying something...

I wish I had half the mental powers I have been accused of. I'd be a powerful memebr of the x-men team lol.

FFS how do drs not know prednisone messes with blood sugar, even I know that. It is strangely comforting that i am not the only one who needs to fight this incompetence though.

I hope your hip feels better soon.