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RE: "THE MERCY YOU POUR" True Original Hip Hop Inspirational Song by @Verbal-D - VIBES WEEK 3

in Vibes3 months ago

Wow, this is another amazing lyrics you've hooked us up with. I was just hearing at first but when you got to the second verse I couldn't help myself but pay closer attention to those wordings.

If all of these are real life experiences I'm in Awe and most especially, I'm glad God gave you music as an escape route.

I literally love everything about this presentation VerbalD, it was totally worth listening to ❤️💯.


Thank you very much for your heartfelt input. This is true 100 percent and The things that I have experienced are what made me into the man and musician/artist and father that I am today. And I thank God Jesus Christ that I was able to create something of value, something of positive influence and inspiration to share with you all. That is the gift of music.

It's totally my pleasure stopping by and listening to this beautiful song you've composed. It's interesting how all of these experiences have built you into being the musician, Artist and father that you are today.

I'm actually a big fan of your music just so you know, keep radiating the love of Christ Jesus through your beautiful music ❤️

Yeah you’re right. There are certain things I keep to myself of course because some things are not appropriate or wise to be released on the internet,

but when someone survives abuse, in all of its various forms. Trauma, physical, emotional, psychological, sexual etc… there is always a way to reach out to others to let them know that they are not alone in their struggles and coping methods and that Jesus Christ can indeed heal all wounds to help us forgive those who did us harm,

whether we were children or even adults at the times that these things happened and occurred. And what’s equally important is the forgiveness of self, when we fall short of the glory of God and our righteousness is as filthy rags… and that no one is good except God Jesus Christ.

That is our standard that we uphold ourselves to and we are thankful for His grace and mercy.

I’m thankful I have you as a new supporter as well. I appreciate it. God bless you

So many wise insights on this comment, indeed listening to an artist like you that connect one on so many levels will be of immerse help to those that have been wounded and broken.

Self forgiveness is actually the hardest for so many but that's where most of our freedom lies because that way we can easily forgive the next person.

The life that Jesus Christ gives is eternal and it's really going to do us good if we trust and uphold his will 🥰.

You're always welcome and do have an awesome weekend ❤️

Yes, Forgiving is For GIVING, and forgiveness is divine, and we were made in God's Image, and God is love, therefore we need to love ourselves, which entails also forgiving ourselves, this is a deep convo we must continually have amongst our fellowshipping :)

Having a heart that forgives is a blessing to those who have it because in it lies peace that comes from within.

Forgiving is indeed for giving!