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RE: 🎵ANNOUNCEMENT: Verbal-d to join Vibes as judge.

in Vibes2 months ago (edited)

Wow!!! Congratulations 😊, I'm looking forward to their presentation, it would be so nice to have them here🤗.
Aww your kids sounds so amazing,and talented. I'm sure you're so proud to be their Dad. It's so beautiful to have kids whom are all talented in their own ways. I can only imagine how blessed you are to have them✨😊.

I'm not supposed to pick a favorite yet 😅, but symphony is extra cool 😊


You can see a picture of all of my children in my last entry actually, if you didn't get a chance to see them, I presented them while rapping the first verse of a 5 verse 100 line song titled JUST TO LOVE; the lyrics are so deep, go check it out if you want to see them in the first 40 seconds or so. I appreciate your words, I am definitely a blessed father/papa/dad.

I just watched the video, your kids are so cute😊❤️, they're so young and talented ❤️, that was a mind-blowing presentation 🤯

Thank you again very much, so glad your mind was blown, hopefully it inspired you for more music creation, I'm wondering if you create your own original music?

You're welcome 🤗.
Yeah I do write my own songs, but most times it's the beat that's the problem. I don't know how to play any instruments so it's abit difficult for me ( working on getting a guitar soon😊).