Frostpunk - First One Hour of Cold Days

Frostpunk - First One Hour of Cold Days

Greetings, everyone! I have been playing Frospunk for a long time and I want to share my views with you. There are many tactics you can follow in this game and I hope what I have told will be useful for friends who are just starting out. I want to answer things like what we can do in the first hour and what will help us the most in the future. Let's get started.

What to do at the start?

First of all, what we see in the center is THE GENERATOR. It's our everything and we need to keep it running. People survive thanks to its heat and you can only survive for a day or two with the coal you have at the beginning of the game. That's why you need to collect the coal deposits you see around.
It is especially useful to send workers to such difficult and cold places.

Because when it gets to -40 degrees, there can be deaths and we don't want to lose them because we have very few engineers.
It sounds a bit discriminatory and cruel, but it is sometimes difficult to keep everyone warm.

Still, at the very beginning of the game, first send men to the coal pits and start collecting them. I gave everyone a gathering job for coal, wood and metal.

Build Your Houses

Unfortunately, some of our people do not have houses. People without houses are both unhappy and have a very high risk of dying at night. In such a world, one of the worst things must be to be homeless. Staying on the street in this cold and having to sleep by a generator.
It is really a very bad fate.

So, in order not to condemn our people to this fate, we need to build houses from what we earn, what we collect on the first day. Get these things out of the way so that you can move forward more easily and people can survive. Home is the beginning of everything.

Emergency Shift Law

I would also recommend that you sign the emergency shift law immediately and use it in a few places because, as you can see, the content and hope level is good. It is not right to make people work in emergency and at night when it gets cold. It is already a good option to make a fast start.

Make Sure to Take Care of Children

At some times, children in your care may be injured or become ill. You may even find out later that they stole some food. I advise you to allow this. Of course there will be people among the people who will be angry with you. Why do you give more food to the children and not to me? But you can ignore them.
These children are our future and we need to take a good care of them.

Steam Hub and Drawing Boards

I always recommend researching steam hub first. That way you can keep your workers and people warm in remote places and in places where you will be working at night. Remember that the nights are colder. If you run it in a place where there is no hub, they will have problems because of the cold. They will get sick. Maybe they will lose their lives. That is why I recommend building one or two hubs around the gathering areas. You can demolish them in the future anyway.
Drawing Boards will come in handy in the future. Essential for automating coal collection and extraction.

As you can see, I chose sustain life from the law because for me human life is very important and you have to help them no matter what. I will also choose the law to give more food.

When to build the Beacon?

I will put it here but do not research beacon immediatly. Wait for some time and then we can research the Beacon, which is the mission the game gives us. So we'll be able to see what's going on around us and we'll be able to send people out into the world and explore.

We can also look for some old settlements. Beacon is a must in this game. We'll be able to do a lot of things with it. I will explain it last.


Unfortunately, one of my people lost his life while working. That's why I realized that I didn't have a steam hub there and I built a steam hub immediately. Temperature is everything in this game.

Sometimes these things are inevitable. The game forces it to happen to give you the choice of how to deal with dead bodies. I think you're going to lose someone for sure, you can build a cemetery or you can throw them away??. Of course I chose the cemetery option.

In the meantime, I continued to research faster gathering and signed the extended shift law. It makes more sense to make people work more during the day than at night.

People will get sick. This is inevitable.

Even if you take very good care of the people in your area now, in time there will be sick people among the people you will rescue from outside. You need to take good care of them. You need to put them back to work so that you can progress in the game. Also, if we look at the ethical side of things, of course we need to do our best and help the sick people.

We may be playing in a cold and cruel world, but we still need to remember ethics and morals. That's why I recommend opening Care House.

Care House and Medical Post

Another must-build is the Medical Post. You will assign engineers there and they will become doctors. This way they will start healing your sick people. The + sign at the bottom of the screen shows how many people are sick.

You need to take care of your patients as soon as possible, otherwise it will snowball and no one will be able to work. Discontent will rise quickly and your people may even revolt.

Until Medical Post is upgraded it, it could treat simple diseases. But we have to develop it in the future. It needs to have its own heater, especially when it gets cold. We will do this with research.

Becaon, Gaining a New World View

Becaon allows you to see the entire map. As you can see, I can see Lost Expedition now, and I've decided to close the game because I've been looking at the computer too much up to this point.

But thanks to Beacon, we can go rescue our people. We can even go to other places and explore them. We can save new people. We can get more resources.

Final Thoughts

  • Frospunk is a very enjoyable game because it brings a new perspective to survival games. You can also choose your ruling style later in the game. If you want, you can manage religiously or by order.

  • In the beginning, focus on keeping your people alive and collecting coal. Don't send everyone to gathering the coal. Make sure you have a good distribution for other resources as well.

  • Afterwards, I recommend you to build houses immediately. At night your people can die very quickly. We want everyone to live.

  • I recommend building a Medical Post and a Care House to treat people who are sick, so that you can not only bring them back to life, but also increase hope and bring your people back into the workforce.

  • Do not be in too much of a hurry for Becaon. But don't delay too long either. You can research it, but make sure you have some medical care before you build it. Because the people you will rescue from the cold world, will be sick for sure.

Thank you very much for reading. This was my Frospunk adventure for the first hour and I wanted to share what I learned with you. I hope you enjoyed it.


The advice you gave is really good man. I can imagine that you have played this game a lot because I have played it too. I love the story of this game. You should always think about people when you make decisions and you might not always be happy with the outcome. They might rebel against you. Never forget that. That's a good review.

Yes Ive played it a lot really 😁 the story is amazing sometimes I want to mix this with Metro Series and play them like a one big story. Thank you so much for the comment! I appriciate it 🤗🤗

it seems like a good game, i will be happy if you upload a video about it as well

I do not know how to record a video of gameplay. Do you have any recoomendation for the app? 🤗🤗

 last year  

Varios amigos me hablaron que estaban jugando este juego pero no le di mayor importancia aunque el nombre si que me llamo la atención. Gracias a ti ahora lo conozco bastante más y me pareció una genial idea que dividas los apartados a tener en cuenta con títulos, hace la lectura mucho más llevadera además que ayuda a marcar el punto clave que mencionas.

Thank you so much man! 😁👏👏