Girls gaming community in Bangladesh

in Hive Gaming11 months ago

Girl gamers in Bangladesh


Hey people of the hives, it’s me Haya from Bangladesh, You guys know that I am a gamer . I love playing games. I have tried both PC and mobile games. Due to my tight schedule I am unable to play games on pc . It I didn’t stop me from playing . I play PUBG Mobile Currently I am an Esports Athlete.

There are two types of lobby

  • Lobby: Here everyone can join , even a girl can play with the boys or a team which is full of girls. Official tournament always giving chances to all of the players.
  • Girls Lobby: Here only girls are allowed to play. You can’t take any boy in your team to play. In Bangladesh there is no official tournament for girls only.

Girls lobby’s condition in Bangladesh:

  • There are many unofficial girls tournaments are released with a minimum prize pool and sometimes without prize pool. Because of the amount of the players are less and most of them quit.
  • Sponsored with minimum salary no other benefits.
  • Most of them tend to be in a lovey dovey relationship with the sponsor.
  • Less competition due to their seriousness. Most of them find no interest in training.
  • No interest in analysing the game or any dedication to play the official tournament.
  • Not hiring coach to guide.
  • Mixing up personal and professional and not giving priority to the competitive scenario. Won’t appear at match time for silly reasons.
  • Most prefer to use hacks to be the MVP or to be on the top of any girls tournament.
  • Ringing is often . Girls prefer to ask their partner to play for them pretending as a girl.
  • Even a newbie without any qualification or achievement can join a girls team.
  • Unable to perform in the lobby with full of boys team.
  • They are mentally drained with the thoughts that boys can player better than them. So if the opponent is a boy they easily have the thought of losing.
  • Full of jealousy and can’t see any other girl player being praised not even her own team mate.
  • Full of toxicity most of them are seen sharing girls personal group chat screen shots to public and starting controversy.
  • If they are landing on the same drop it means a never ending war will start.
  • Always full of overconfidence and showing denial to any leaders call or team mate.
  • Never accepting their own fault instead starts to blame each other.

Reasons for not playing girls lobby:

There are many problems with girls lobby. I have my own reasons not to play in a girls team. First of all I don’t get the point of creating a girls lobby where before every tournaments name there is “girls” word included. Girls don’t need girls lobby to play. They can play with the boys and be more skilful. Girls lobby is full of low tier players there are no higher tier to compete with it’s easy to be on the top. You can easily get enough kills in one match to be the champion. There are no need of using skills when you can defeat your enemies easily. Girls lobby in Bangladesh is like the lowest rank Bronze. I want to play official tournaments and do something for my country so I want to play with dedicated players.

My journey in competitive

Since the beginning I have been playing in boys team in boys lobby only 2/3 girls team was available in the team of 30. Girls team are always seen on the bottom list due to their lack of IQ and skills. They don’t know how to do leadership yet they wanna do the role of a leader . Rotating is the main part of PUBG Mobile. If you know how to hold places and do a great rotation then you can easily win the match. What’s the point of making “Girls lobby” when there is no official tournament for the girls.

There are many problems I have faced playing with the boys. I only had the thought that only girls are getting jealous of a better player than them, but I saw boys are also jealous over girls. I had a team mate he would literally search for my mistakes in game and always downgrading me by saying that I got the chance to play with them because I am a girl but no skills, yet I am the top fragger of the team. I am the one with most kills. I can play any type of role and never failed to the responsibilities. Oftentimes whenever there is a caster casting on live for the tournament, if my I am getting praised for my gameplay then team mates are gonna be like “it’s because you are a girl, he must be a simp”. Whenever a guy is supporting me they are being called Simp. In Bangladesh it’s very hard for a girl gamer to grow.
Even though there are many walls blocking but to achieve my dream I am breaking it all. I am never gonna give up for those guys or anyone. Few words can’t take my motivation away. I am still grinding for my goals.

Girls are downgraded

In Bangladesh boy gamers are always seen downgrading girl gamers. For the boys they think that girls belong to the kitchen and they are for no good. Girls can’t do gaming they are never gonna be able to play like the boys. I think gender has nothing to do with it. Anyone can play good if they want to, It doesn’t matter which gender.That’s why I want to prove that a girl can also play as good as the boys. One could argue that girls in gaming is unnecessary and not nearly a problem, they’d be wrong. It’s extremely concerning that so few girls are into gaming. In a derogatory way which can prove discouraging.


In Bangladesh PUBG Mobile community I have been declared as the best girl gamer. I am the most famous female player of PUBG Mobile from Bangladesh. I want to represent my country that’s my current goal.


From the beginning since 2019 I have been playing competitive and I have learnt a lot. I play far better than before and got everyone praising for my gameplay . But I still think that I need to do better day by day I need to improve myself more. Practice makes everything perfect , I don’t think without practice anything can be achieved.


There’s no need for specific “Girls” Lobby. If girls stop playing in the girls lobby and start playing with the boys they can achieve everything. With true dedication for the game can help to across the goal of being a champion. With professionalism without mixing personal life with the competitive scenario can leave a good chance to be the better. Leaving the jealousy behind and one girl supporting another girl can bring unity for success. Without any fear girls should play against their opponents and always think of them as the strongest with confidence. Being attentive to girls in gaming can prove essential, unless done.

  • Females in the gaming industry can prove helpful to both the gaming society and themselves.
  • Their presence in the gaming community can be beneficial to everyone involved.
  • With proper encouragement they can make some real changes. Without encouragement the opposite can occur.
  • Discouragement can both chase them out of the gaming society and technology based learning. This can in turn limit their career options.


There are many examples of how girls in gaming can successfully have a positive effect on society.
I want to represent all the girls and give my best.



That's nuts to think that they have a separate tournament for girls! When it comes to sports I can understand the need for such a thing, but let's be honest here, anyone can pick up a controller ( or phone) and spend time honing their skills against both men and women, as when it comes to gaming there's no advantage one sex has over the other!

Yeah, I know right there’s no logic in that.

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