Fortnite's Zero Build mode offers some of the most fun available in gaming in 2023

in Hive Gaminglast year

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 last year  

I haven’t played Fortnite but the zero build does look cool. It almost looks like you can break everything and there’s power-ups and gear around so that’s pretty nifty. That ODM gear looks hard to use but I’m guessing the thunder-spears act just like rocket-launchers. Those were some great kills. I was wondering what was so special about that sword—and then you just started zipping around super fast. Looks like a great tool for evasion. Are there grenades or any items that let you temporarily x-Ray nearby surroundings? That dang camper at the end, they must really know the map cuz they knew exactly where to hide next to that door. That was nice game, top twenty. Fortnite’s been around for a while. Might have to give it a chance, especially since they keep improving it and adding stuff.

 last year  

Yeah, first time I saw clips of people simultaneously building structures while shooting at each other I was a bit overwhelmed by the spectacle. Almost like there was too much going on. The game looked a lot more manageable from your video and it looks really good visually too. Sharper.

That’s nice that they switch out the gear a lot. Probably stops people from getting too much practice with certain weapons and items. I like how it looks like there’s a lobby period where match-players can just chill before dropped into the map.

Is Fornite still alive? He thought that he had already died, I see it the same as always, nothing innovative and just as boring.

Fortnite??I have not played this game yet but know I am also interesting so much to play this game.

 last year  

The Zero Build mode is one of the best additions on Fortnite. I played it like 30 minutes when there was only build and creative mode, but when they enabled the Zero Build mode the game had a 360° turn and it feels really different and fun now. It is way better than having people building the Burj Khalifa in 3 seconds lol.

I have been buying up some fort nite trading cards on eBay to hold for the long haul to see if they are worth something in 20 years. HA

Oh maaan that bastard hide there and kill you. That's not fair but in every 3rd person shooter they do that. Sometimes I do that too.

This game is something different because we met you thanks to Fortnite zero build mode. Well played if we consider that was your first game of the day 😅

Just when u think fortnite couldn't possibly come up with more wacky/cool ideas..

Gecko men on motorcycles and luv the attack on Titan addition!

and don't be so modest.. u are pretty badass at the game!

I personally am not a lover of any fps game, just a connoisseur of many games and I like to judge lol.

Fortnite the truth that I have not liked with everything I've seen, but these latest update where they add many new mobility mechanics and also the new Zero Build game mode, I think it's very cool, because it gives a very different style to the game.

I have always heard about Fortnite but I never knew that it was a game
Any game that involves killing always seem to be interesting

sound interesting, look like you have enjoying a lot this game.