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RE: I'm gonna let you decide what I play next (vote!)

in Hive Gaming10 months ago

Horizon: Forbidden West
You gotta play it. Was so good I took the time to platinum. Some of the most gorgeous graphics ever and gameplay is fun as hell. Fighting requires a lot of thought and exploring is quite natural.


your opinion means a lot to me on this because you seem to game like I do. You jump from game to game quite quickly and I can't be certain about this but you seem to finish very few of them... just like me :)

That's 2 for Horizon, thanks for the input.

It seems like we both are going through the PS5 catalog consistently. Wish we had a whole PS5 community on here, but there still isn’t that many of us lucky enough to have one.
Only game I’ve been playing consistently this year is Fortnite and soon to be xDefiant when it comes out. Otherwise I’ll try just about anything.

I do finish few 😅 but the great ones I force myself to complete.

Wish we had a whole PS5 community on here

That would be nice but if we started one it would likely be me, you, maybe Pusen and a handful of others just yakking it up with one another :)

Yeah you’re right. It just doesn’t seem like too many people have a PS5 still. I can’t imagine still being stuck on last-gen, I feel for those who are.