Exploring Fallout 4: I found a Savage Deathclaw inside the Museum of Witchcraft! Later on, I found psychologically unstable friendly robots.

in Hive Gaming4 years ago (edited)

I finished my previous walkthrough just in front of the Museum of Witchcraft which was a scary looking building and I was expecting some bizarre things inside. Maybe my expectations were too high because what I found, even though it was disturbing, didn't really surprise me. Let's take a look.

The main door was closed and it was impossible to open it, so I needed to look around and find an alternative way to go inside the building. This was the available door that I was able to find.

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Shortly after going inside, there are human remains in what appears to have been a very bloody slaughter of a person.

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The entire place is very creepy, there are some mannequins and not too much light, so everything seems kind of grey and abandoned. There was also something going on in the floor above because I heard movements and things being broken.

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I first thought this was some type of creepy reunion of evil people but the figures were just more mannequins. I have found some creepy places in Fallout and due to its name, I was expecting the Museum of Witchcraft to be the creepiest of all. It wasn't the case. However, something unexpected was waiting for me.

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A major surprise happened when a Savage Deathclaw attacked me out of nowhere! A deathclaw, as you can see in the picture below, is a massive monster that's hyper-aggressive. And this wasn't a regular Deathblaw but a Savage one which means it was stronger and more aggressive than normal.

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This ugly beast certainly looks like a demon of some sort. It is capable of grabbing you and throwing you around and can kill you very fast. This ugly thing was the one making noise on the floor above when I entered the building.

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Here you can see my faithful robot facing the huge Deathclaw which is like 2 times the size of my robot. I think I will need to make some improvements for my robot because it is being outclassed by the enemies I have been finding as of late.

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This is how the beast looks once it was defeated. I couldn't have made it without the help of my robot. I also used several Stimpaks which is the item that cures your health in Fallout.

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While I was exploring the building, I found this mutilated victim next to some Deathclaw eggs. The mission consisted of collecting one of these eggs and deliver it to a robot that owns a restaurant in Diamond City. But before going to that place I decided to keep exploring this part of the map to see what I could find.

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The first interesting building I found was a hotel managed by robots. Once I was greeted by the front desk assistant, the dialogue options allowed me to pretend to be another person and I was able to get a key for one of the rooms.

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The robot cannot differentiate between lies and truths so it gave me Gladys's room key. This hotel is totally destroyed but the robots are still operating as if everything was normal.

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Moments later, a group of Synths began to attack the hotel. As I have explained before, the Synths are part human part robot and in their later version, they are indistinguishable from a normal human and a lot of people fear them and reject them. I suspect at least one important character is going to be revealed as a synth later in the game. Perhaps my own character? that would be crazy and a huge twist.

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The synths that attacked the hotel were normal ones, they looked like robots and their weapons were generic synth weapons. The good thing is that I was able to increase my ammunitions from them. I was also able to find several keys to open some safes in the hotel and I found some valuable resources there, so the visit to this hotel was very productive.

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I made a quick trip to Diamond City to deliver the egg and went back to exploring the wildlands.

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That cool helicopter you see is from the Brotherhood. I have found them patrolling the skies on several occasions and since they are allies I always feel good knowing they are around because they can help you when fighting against enemies.

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There was a building under the control of super mutants and I heard some gunshots. I found several Brotherhood Knights in their power armors fighting the super mutants and I went there to participate in this cool fight.

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There is the typical meatball that super mutants use as "decoration".

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This is how it looks when people use laser guns. I don't use that type of gun very much but this is mainly because I like to conserve the best ammo for the strongest opponents.

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Once the super mutants were all dead, I went to the building to see if there was something valuable. Seeing a destroyed wall just as this one is completely normal, let's not forget this is how the apocalypse looks.

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This is another look of the same building. No more super mutants on sight.

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I continued my exploration without facing major enemies until a roaming Deathclaw found me in the middle of a destroyed town.

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The biggest difficulty when facing this monster is that it moves very fast, so you also need to move and run in order to avoid being attacked by the beast. This was weaker than the one I found in the Museum of Witchcraft but it is still a pain in the ass being surprised by these beasts.

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A very curious place I found was this ship with some turbines in the middle of a town and under the control of friendly robots. This is exactly the reason why I enjoy exploring this type of game because you never know what cool thing you will find.

There was a small robot outside the ship, and through the building, I was able to go inside and meet with the captain.

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This huge robot is the boss here. I was a bit afraid because inside the ship there were a lot of smaller robots and turrets and if they decided to attack me it would have been an extremely hard battle. The issue with this place is that the robots aren't functioning correctly.

If they were a group of people I would say they are crazy. They appeared unaware of the fact that civilization was destroyed in a nuclear war and the captain didn't make much sense.

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These are some serious cannons available to shot enemies. Although finding enemies in the middle of a city might be hard.

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These are one of the robots and one of the turrets I mentioned a few pictures above. There is a lot of firepower protecting this ship.

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The robots asked me for help in repairing their ship so they can continue with their mission. The next step, which I am going to compete in my next walkthrough is to go and find the necessary items so the ship can function again.

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This is one of the weirdest mission I have made in Fallout. I am still scared because of the risk of having all of these robots attacking me due to some of their malfunctions but I still want to know more about this side mission. The item needed to repair the ship is in another part of the map, but more about this in the next post.



Congratulations! Your awesome post was curated by our team and featured in our Gaming Curation Report. Keep up the great work and game on!

A nice walkthrough full of interesting places and pictures :)

Thanks! I am playing a modded version of Fallout so it has more content than normal :]

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