Rise of the Ronin first impressions review

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Look Mom, I am a Samurai


There are so many great looking games coming out this year and Rise of the Ronin was one of the ones I was really looking forward to. It released right about the time I was finishing up Final Fantasy.

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The story of the game is pretty simple. Your family was killed by the Shogunate and your mission is to get revenge and overthrow the Shogunate. It's a pretty straightforward tale of revenge, but the setting is what really interested me. The game takes place in Japan around the 1850s to 1860s. I loved living in Japan and I really enjoy these types of games that let me explore Japan during the samurai times.

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The game is an open world with a shit load of things to do. It seems like anytime I clear up an area of the map, new things pop up for me to do. I normally am not a huge fan of these types of open world games that are filled with a lot of stuff because I would normally get overwhelmed and not really know where to start. But things have slowed down a lot for me lately and I am able to just enjoy playing games for a couple hours a day instead of trying to blow through the entire story as fast as I can.

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Rise of the Ronin has a lot of Dark Souls type influence with it. Especially regarding the combat and how hard it can be at times, which is one reason why I am really enjoying the open world aspect of the game. If things are too hard, I just go somewhere else and do other stuff. While out doing the other stuff, I get new gear, level up and learn how more of how the game works, which is another reason I don't mind the filler content in the game.

This game does go away from the traditional way of leveling up and upgrading stats that so many of the souls like games have. In the traditional souls like games, you tend to dump the majority of your stats into one skill, but in this game, the stat upgrade bonuses are spread out amongst all the different stats. So spreading out your skill points is a more effective way of playing.

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The graphics in this game are not that great. There is a lot of ugly models in the game and it suffers from a lot of pop ins as you are running or flying around the world. At first I was a bit upset with how shitty the game looked, but after playing for a while and really enjoying the combat, the ugly graphics seemed to matter less to me.

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Speaking of combat, there is a lot to how the combat works in this game. There are so many different weapon types that you can use and each one plays a bit different. Each weapon also has three stances that you can use and depending on who you are fighting, the stances can either make you stronger or weaker, so you need to pay attention to your weapon selection.

You also level up your skills with the different weapons as you use them more, so it forces you to kind of try out new weapons because you dont want to get to the later stages of the game and have no skill on weapons that would benefit you at the time. You also don't know all the different stances for each weapon and you unlock them through progression or finding wanted enemies in the world that unlock the stances as you defeat them.

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One thing I am a bit disappointed in is that all the enemies are pretty similar. This game reminds me a lot of Sekiro and I loved all the different bosses in Sekiro and how weird a lot of them were, but this game, it is just normal looking humans that you fight. It makes sense though because the game is tryin to be pretty historically accurate.

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The combat is a lot of fun but can be pretty challenging if you are not familiar with these types of games. Fighting is kind of like dancing with swords and you are forced to clash swords back and forth while looking for a perfectly timed attack. You have a block and a parry system that works pretty well once you get the hang of it. At first, I was trying to parry every attack, but that is a quick way to end up dead, so learning to block and parry certain attacks is the only way to learn in this game.

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One thing I love about the game is that you can wander around and find cats to pet. There is a crazy cat lady in a city that rewards you for all the cats that you find. Looking for cats is another one of the many things that this game has to take up time.

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So far, I have put about 25 hours into the game and I have no clue where I am in the story. I spend a lot of time clearing the map because you get bonuses when you do everything in a region. It is cool when a game rewards you for being thorough.

I am playing on PS5 and I have heard that the game sucks to play on PC because of graphical and framerate issues, but I have not had any issues so far. Overall, I am enjoying this game. It is going to take a while to beat and I am in no rush to finish it. I have a grandkid that will be here very soon and this is just taking up time until that happens.


Oh man, it's great that they're integrating cats into games. That's something I never would have expected in this game. The graphics look very cool, I'm curious about the gameplay, I'll watch some videos on YouTube.

Finding cats is one of my favorite things to do in this game. There is a lot of mindless stuff in the game like that to keep you engaged and it's pretty fun.

Cool, it's been on my radar but I am playing Dragon's Dogma 2 first.

How are you liking Dragon's Dogma? It was a tough choice between this game and Dragkns Dogma, but once I am done with this one, I will be getting Dragons Dogma. I've been following that one for a while but wanted to wait for some of the performance issues to get fixed.

Dragon's Dogma 2 is very much like the original which was a janky game, but I liked it. I haven't noticed performance issues, but I am finding it all too easy which is bad.

I notice you say Ronin can be hard at times, that sounds more like my type of game.

It can be pretty difficult if you try and blast through the game but playing it how I am isn’t too bad because you get so much strong from exploring and side missions. You can also adjust the difficulty and make it harder, but I am playing it on normal difficulty. I’ve also gotten pretty good at these types of games from when I went all in on the From Software games.

I've been reading about this game in several places, the name caught my attention, it reminded me of the movie The Last Ronin. It looks interesting, as you mention the issue of PC failures that definitely don't happen to the PS5.

The Last Ronin is such a good movie. Ya, the PC ports of a lot of games lately have been having so many issues. I'm glad I have a PS5 to play these games on.

Looks sick! You weren't kidding man.

I think you would enjoy this game. It is similar to Ghost of Tsushima in so many ways and it is easier to get into compared to Dark Souls.

The game sounds interesting 🙂

It's a lot of fun.

how can I play

Buy it for PS5 or PC

I want to play this only for the cats now.

It’s worth it just for the cats. I think I’ve found like 28 so far.

The game looks very interesting as you mentioned so I will definitely try to play this game sometime soon and then let you know how it goes.