
I'm going to share it in 3 days I guess. I'm a bit busy. Thanks for your comment ^^

 2 years ago  


So I guess it'll be published tomorrow or the day after IF you get the time.

Well it looks like I'm not going to share it tomorrow but maybe 2 days later yes! Because tomorrow is Hive power up day and most probably I'm going to write sth about it ^^

 2 years ago  

The power up day seems good and I forgot about that. That day is only the first day of the month, right? Is there any minimum amount of hive to join that initiative? Can you refer to me any post from where I can know more about it? Here you can learn more about HPUD. There are rules and criterias for it. And @traciyork probably gonna share a new post about it tomorrow.

Yep @incublus, hoping to get my #HivePUD announcement post out in about six hours or so - first, I need to publish my announcement for #HiveBloPoMo (Hive Blog Posting Month) that starts tomorrow as well! 🙃😵😂

That will be hard for you since you are sharing 2 posts a month mostly hahaha but we will see. I'd like to join you and share a post every day in November but my connection is really bad these days...

 2 years ago  

Thanks for the post link. I'll check on it and I've followed @traciyork so that I can know about her upcoming announcement post.