Inside the Enemy Lines - Commandos Saga [EN/ES]

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

Commandos Saga Pack | Photo courtesy of pintaius82 on eBay.


Talking about achievements in videogames nowadays is not easy for me, something ironic considering that theoretically I have a YouTube channel focused on indie games. I say theoretically because the channel eventually took another focus and that's why I stay somewhat away from video games.

So to talk about my greatest achievement in video games we must go back to my youth, late 90's early 2000. When I played the Commandos saga and discovered a genre I didn't even know, a new world that trapped me like no other game and that I would never find another saga to fill that empty space.


Hablar de logros en videojuegos en mi actualidad no es fácil para mí, algo irónico considerando que teóricamente tengo un canal de YouTube enfocado en juegos indie. Digo teóricamente porque el canal al final tomó otro enfoque y por eso es que me mantengo un tanto alejado de los videojuegos.

Por ello para hablar de mi mayor logro en videojuegos nos debemos remontar a mi juventud, finales de los 90 principios del 2000. Cuando jugué la saga de Commandos y descubrí un género que ni conocía, un mundo nuevo que me atrapó como ningún otro juego y que jamás encontraría otra saga que llenara ese vacío.

Commandos - Behind Enemy Lines | ​Concept art included with the game on GOG.

When I started playing the first game of the Commandos saga: Behind Enemy Lines there was not much left for the next Commandos: Beyond The Call Of Duty to come out, so as soon as I managed to finish the first one I could continue with the second one, my memories are vague but what comes to my mind is the frustration of how complicated the final missions were.

The tricky thing about the game was that if you didn't make the right decisions you could get stuck at an advanced point in a mission and have to restart that mission because there was no way to continue it as you were at that point. This was something that could happen relatively easily and was very frustrating, but at the same time a good challenge.

Cuando empecé a jugar el primer juego de la saga Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines no quedaba mucho para que saliera el siguiente Commandos: Beyond The Call Of Duty, así que apenas logré terminar el primero pude continuar con el segundo, mis recuerdos son vagos pero lo que viene a mi mente es la frustración de lo complicadas que eran las misiones finales.

Lo complicado del videojuego era que si no tomamos las decisiones correctas podrías quedar atrapado en un punto avanzado de una misión y tener que reiniciar esa misión porque no había forma de continuarla tal cual te encontrabas en ese punto. Esto era algo que podía pasar relativamente fácil y era muy frustrante, pero al mismo tiempo un buen reto.

Commandos 2 - Men of Courage | Concept art included with the game on GOG.

For the release of Commandos 2: Men of Courage I remember that it was a long time to wait and it was a pleasant surprise that I did not expect, at that time I did not have internet and realizing that there was a new game of your favorite saga was like an early Christmas.

What I remember most about this version are the maps, they were more extensive, better detailed and with many more objects to interact with. It is something that left me impressed at the time. Keeping the same difficulty and essence of the saga, respecting its two past games.

Para la salida de Commandos 2: Men of Courage sí recuerdo que pasó un buen tiempo y fue una grata sorpresa que no me esperaba, para aquel entonces yo no tenía internet y darte cuenta que había un nuevo juego de tu saga favorita era como una navidad adelantada.

Lo que más recuerdo de esta versión son los mapas, eran más extensos, mejor detallados y con muchos más objetos con los que interactuar. Es algo que para aquel momento me dejó impresionado. Manteniendo la misma dificultad y esencia de la saga, respetando sus dos juegos pasados.

Commandos 3 - Destination Berlin | Concept art included with the game on GOG.

Commandos 3: Destination Berlin was the technical peak of Pyro Studios, who were the creators of the saga. The graphical improvement was incredible, with real 3D environments and the possibility of rotating the camera, which I always forgot to do and ended up getting killed for not seeing the enemy.

Although I am very attached to the first releases, I must admit that this version was perfect in every way. An incredible graphic level, with infinite possibilities and the best of all was that it respected the difficulty, essence and legacy of those first games of the Commandos saga.

Commandos 3: Destination Berlin fue el culmen a nivel técnico de Pyro Studios, quienes eran los creadores de la saga. La mejora gráfica era increíble, con entornos 3D reales y la posibilidad de girar la cámara, cosa que siempre se me olvidaba hacer y terminaban matándome por no ver al enemigo.

Aunque las primeras entregas les tengo muchísimo cariño, debo admitir que esta versión era perfecta en todos los sentidos. Un nivel gráfico increíble, con infinitas posibilidades y lo mejor de todo era que respetaba la dificultad, esencia y legado de esos primeros juegos de la saga Commandos.

Commandos: Strike Force | Official Screenshot from Eidos E3 2005 Digital Press Kit PC

There was a fifth game called Commandos: Strike Force but for me that game does not exist, they changed to the first person and completely lost the essence of the game, they left aside the isometric view so characteristic of the saga and on top of that they made it easier by the change to the first person view.

I still remember the anger and frustration I felt when I learned of the existence of this latest game in the Commandos saga. It was horrible when I saw screenshots of the game and it was not in the same line of the previous ones, I refuse to call this release by the name of Commandos.

Existió una quinta entrega llamada Commandos: Strike Force pero para mí ese juego no existe, cambiaron a la primera persona y perdió por completo la esencia del juego, dejaron de lado la vista isométrica tan característica de la saga y encima lo hicieron más sencillo por el cambio a la vista en primera persona.

Aún recuerdo la rabia y frustración que sentí cuando supe de la existencia de esta última entrega de la saga Commandos. Fue horrible cuando vi capturas del juego y no era en la misma línea de los anteriores, me niego a llamar a esta entrega por el nombre de Commandos.

Gamescom trailer courtesy of Kalypso Media on Youtube.

In case it's still not clear, my greatest achievement in video games was managing to get through the Commandos saga ( except Strike Force) without cheating, sweating every single mission and spending endless afternoons planning tactics to get around every enemy placed on the map.

Last year was released a remaster version of Commandos 2, which I have in my steam library and by the way I have pending to make a video for the channel. Playing this version I realized the extreme difficulty of the saga, which gave sense to all the complaints that had the players of the time when the originals came out.

For all that now I value even more that achievement that I did when I was younger, today I do not think I could repeat the achievement of beating the original saga. I no longer have the patience I had before and to think that when I finished one to make time to wait for the next one I went back to repeat some missions, I really don't know how I had so much patience when I was young.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my post. By the way, I felt like going back to the battlefield in the remaster of 2. Ein verletzter, alarm, alarm!

Por si aún no quedo claro, mi mayor logro en los videojuegos fue lograr pasarme la saga de Commandos (Menos Strike Force) sin hacer trampa, sudando cada una de las misiones y pasando infinitas tardes planeando tácticas para sortear cada enemigo colocado en el mapa.

El año pasado salió al mercado una versión remaster del Commandos 2, la cual tengo en mi librería de steam y por cierto tengo pendiente hacerle video para el canal. Jugando esta versión me di cuenta de la dificultad tan extrema de la saga, lo cual dio sentido a todas las quejas que tenían los jugadores de la época cuando salieron los originales.

Por todo ello ahora valoro aún más ese logro que hice siendo más joven, hoy en día no creo que pudiera repetir la hazaña de pasarme la saga original. Ya no tengo la paciencia que tenía antes y pensar que cuando terminaba uno para hacer tiempo a la espera del siguiente volvía a repetir algunas misiones, de verdad no sé cómo tenía tanta paciencia de joven.

Muchísimas gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer mi tema. Por cierto, me volvieron a entrar ganas de regresar al campo de batalla en el remaster del 2. Ein verletzter, alarm, alarm!

This was my participation in the Hive Gaming Community Contest #2 - What is your greatest video game achievement(s)?



Twitter #posh

How to get this to post cuz I've been sharing on Twitter and is not giving me the posh anymore at all so I quit posting there doesn't only do it if you're on hive blog and not on the other hive things?

I am doing it manually, the bot stopped working some time ago.

I never played these games but they sound cool. Great job beating all of them without cheats. That's a much better feeling than beating games with cheats. Feels more real and sincere.

Nowadays I wouldn't have the patience to get through those video games, I was more stubborn when I was younger. Thank you very much for reading me

Well that really detailed or in our reading wrong I have something wrong with me so I can't read a whole bunch of ones but anyway that's great great post and I saw you on the noise so I came on over I have never really played any games on consoles much actually I was actually gone or doing something else when they came out and wasn't even a child but I have played some games at a friend's house like it's been over 10 years though but they were stand-up games but while you know a lot about it I know nothing oh wait a minute I tried to play some games my husband has some consoles here with us and now they're gone I hope you have a great day

Thanks for stopping by to read and lately I don't play anything, it's a habit I have abandoned.