Demacia's Wings Will Soar! TFT - League of Legends

in Hive Gaming8 months ago

Hello TFT lovers, today I'm back with another incredibly powerful composition. I don't have time to play a lot of ranked games these days, but I've been experimenting with unranked games to show you the compositions. Let's start if you're ready and if not, read this sentence again in 10 minutes :D


You can watch the gameplay here without commentary:

The universe of this game is Hall of the Nine. At the beginning of each stage everyone wins the same prize from a very large prize pool. Sometimes it's an item, sometimes it's gold. If you get a reward that you need at that moment, the game changes very much in your favor.

For the first augment choice I made a risky move and chose Risky Moves. See the pun? :P I don't think I've ever explained this augment in any of my videos before. You lose 20 HP and gain 30 gold after 7 fights with players. If you choose this augment you can play aggressive because you will win back the gold you already lost. If I remember correctly I didn't do that in this game and that was a big mistake. @oldfool knows that I always play aggressive early game.

I actually won the first two fights and I was doing well, but then suddenly I started playing against strange players. For example, what is this? A level 6 opponent in round 2-6. I know he is trying to use augment but he has 0 gold. If he loses a round, won't his whole game be ruined? Yes, it will.

The moment I decided to play Quinn was at the beginning of the game because I already had a Quinn and I didn't see a better option. My items were also very suitable for it. I gave Quinn a Deathblade and Infinity Edge, and because I activated 3 Demacia buffs, he also had a Luminous Deathblade from there. It's only 1 star and crit so look at the damage it does. 2855? Dude, I have to make it 3 stars!

For the 2nd augment I chose Dedication. This augment allows you to get an emblem of the trait the first time you put at least 4 different units of the same trait on your board in a fight against players. Isn't it crazy? I don't know why people don't like it, so I can get a Demacia or a Slayer emblem.

Petricite Shackles came up in the last augment pick. It was the best thing I could have picked because it allows your champions with Demacia to deal 15% more damage. This increases to 22% if the enemy champion has Noxus or has more than 100 mana. Considering all my carries are with Demacia, it's a perfect option. I don't know what could be better.

At level 7, after making Quinn 2 stars, my winning streak started. Only 2 stars Quinn won almost all the battles and thanks to my previous augment I got a Demacia emblem and made Mordekaiser Demacian XD This way he will keep one of the radiant items. He also won me this fight. 1 star and 5000 damage is not bad, right? And right behind him is Quinn.

Normally I was going to stay at level 7 and make Quinn 3 stars, but when I luckily found 1 Aatrox, I changed my plan and reached the final composition. 6 Slayer and 5 Demacia. It's like an art painting! Now I have 4 carriers in my composition, Mordekaiser, Aatrox, Fiora and Quinn. I am overpowered and should never lose a fight.

After becoming 2 stars, Mordekaiser started challenging Quinn. He did the most damage alone. By the way, normally I would recommend giving Mordekaiser a Rapid Fire Cannon and Nashor's Tooth, but I gave him Jeweled Gauntlet because I already had The Baron's Gift thanks to Demacia. I had lost a lot of health and I didn't want to risk more. As for our other carries, I would give Aatrox Thief's Gloves in this situation because I don't have many items. I already gave Fiora Bloodthirster and Titan's Resolve.

Obviously my opponents were not my match. I simply destroyed this opponent you see here. I'm level 8 and he only killed 2 of my champions. Mordekaiser and Quinn still do the most damage. Quinn is still 2 stars and strangely still deals a lot of damage! Beyond my expectation.

I gave a nightmarish surprise to my opponents who were already weak against me. Quinn 3 stars and Jarvan 3 stars! At this stage of the game, Jarvan's stun and Quinn's damage should be enough to win the battle. As I expected, I did just that and eliminated this relatively strong opponent.

I would have liked to show you another round of this fight, but my other opponent also lost to the bot. So there is nothing I can do, but I want you to know that this composition is extremely strong. I recommend you to play it every chance you get. The right items are all you need! A Quinn with Deathblade will bring death to your opponents!

Thank you very much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you think about the game in the comments! Have a great day and don't forget to play!

Play More, Live More!

 8 months ago (edited) 

It's always great to see your insights and strategies, and after getting to know your play for some times, I can definitely say that you're not just playing the game, you're mastering it.

Well played and you proved the strength of your compositions. Thanks for sharing your journey and the awesome gameplay.

@tipu curate 10

I'm glad you like it, man. Yeah, I'd say I'm a master at this game. I didn't claim it until the tournament we organized in Hive Gaming, but after that I'll admit it :)

That's awesome. It's great to see your confidence.

Thanks for your support man, I've just seen it

I actually did it later, I mean not when I left the comment at first sight. I just edited it later as I lost the voting mana the other day when I left the comment.

Oh, I got it man, means a lot for me :)

Happy Summer GIF by Yevbel

Ohh so that's TFT, reminds me of Dota Auto Chess.

Yeah they are almost same with different characters in games.

 8 months ago  

I still don't really understand the game, but I know that if I try it I will love it.

Yeah man, just give it a try and I'm sure you'll like it

 8 months ago  

This set really didn't attract me much, I haven't played a single game for weeks. But yes, I think your way to win the games is always to make a great early game, I have tried to analyze that, but I think it is something special that you have to seek to change everything with a good early game.

No problem man, I'll be waiting for you next set. I've never played on a LAN server in this set either. I think it takes a lot of practice to learn good compositions in the early game.