Genshin Cat Lovers Rejoice!

in Hive Gaming2 months ago

Originally uploaded to

To be fair one thing that really should have been changed was to voice the cameos. I have no idea why they would have these cameos but then not have the VAs voice them. It took away from this cute event.

As for the actual petting mechanic I think this is one of those times playing on mobile benefitted over PC and console. I was watching other people play and they have to drag a hand cursor over to a part of the cat and then click the "pet" action. Meanwhile on mobile you just you know pet the cat. I was remembering all my own real experiences with cats, what they normally like and what will normally get you scratched.

Of course that didn't actually help. Some of these cats are weirdoes lol. I'm looking at you Dustball. I've met zero cats that like being touched on their arms. Usually if you do that they pull away and try swatting at you with the paw you tried touching. I'd say Snowball the first cat we play with acted the most naturally. You can't start petting her on the head because she doesn't know you yet. Instead you ease into it, rub her chest a little and then stroke her back. Once she's comfortable around you then you can move to her head and if you do it right she should nuzzle you back. (not an actual action in game lol) Also if she lies down on her back it usually means you're free to rub her belly but unfortunately in the game that's just an animation and she doesn't stay like that. In fact none of your belly rubs will do anything.

Well it was a fun little event anyway. Good enough to end off the update as we are closing in on v4.6!


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