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RE: MuTerra has the potential to be the next huge P2E game on Hive

in Hive Gaminglast year

Have you tried @axieinfinity? Though axie infinity is not successful now a days due to beat market but it still leading the nft space with highest volume. You must try it.
As far as this new game is concerned, I'll have a look at it. I hope it will be more successful.


Yes, I heard about that when it first came out. It was just so boring to me and I would never spend my time actually playing it.

What kind of games you like?

All sorts of games. Shooters, RPGs, Racing, Sports, and all sorts of others. I’m spoiled with my PS5 though. None of the P2E games are as fun as what I can play on my console.

Oh that's great..

Have you played GTA series?

Yes of course. I played GTA III when it first came out. Same with Vice City and San Andreas. I can’t wait for the new one to FINALLY release. Who knows when that’ll happen though.

That's amazing, I'm a fan of Gta voice city, my childhood passed playing GTA vice city. Last month i tried to download GTA 5 but it's not available in the market for free and I can't purchased paid version.

You’ll love the setting of GTA VI. Seems like it will be set in a Florida-like map, much like Vice City except way bigger. Have you seen some of the map leaks? They may or may not be real.