Revenge of an old-school gamer on Super Mario Bros. 3

in Hive Gaming2 years ago


What's up fellow Hive Gamers? I'm sure you remember this game right? The first time I saw it was in the movie The Wizard. I was just 9 years old when this film came out and I saw it almost a year later on VHS when I was 10. Even three decades later, you got to admit that this was a brilliant marketing scheme. Imagine how epic it was back then.

The first time I got to play Super Mario Bros. 3 was at Fred Myers for three quarters on an ancient device called an arcade machine. I could've bought some dope candy for that much money back then, but the few minutes I got to play were much better. I was with my mom's friend picking up groceries and adults didn't have any respect for video games back then. She was fair enough though. The deal was: when I was dead, then we'd put the groceries in the truck. I doubt I made it past the second level, but I was hooked.


Our parents may have thought it was crazy that we just had to have this piece of plastic with a computer chip inside, but if we had bought two and kept one in the plastic and in mint condition, it would've been a very good investment. I remember seeing a mint condition Mario game cartridge selling for over a million dollars recently.


I've been having this recurring dream almost every night where I come across an original NES and a big stack of games, so I decided to download an emulator and a torrent with EVERY game ever made (even the Japanese ones). I played some Excitebike, Tetris, Contra, and Techno Bowl, but only Mario Bros. 3 kept me entertained longer than a few minutes. It's truly amazing that they started working on this game way back in 1986. The gameplay, music, and graphics were better than many games that came out for the next generation of 16-bit games on Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis. Man, when I was dread broke I couldn't picture this.


I remember watching Star Trek: The Next Generation thinking how great it was going to be to one day interface with touchscreen controls like the crew of the Enterprise, but I got to admit, I fucking hate the shit out of it. It's so frustrating! It should be illegal. I miss the physical buttons so much and feel sorry for kids today playing all these crap games on their phones not knowing the joy of holding a real controller. There is no way I would have the patience to deal with these crappy and clumsy controls if I couldn't cheat with save states and the ability to rewind time.


It felt good to beat these little mini-games after all these years. Get out of my face you tricky 1980s AI. I have a supercomputer smaller than a Gameboy that can smash you with time travel abilities!


Knowing that you can always rewind time and start fresh from your lastest savestate gives you a mega boost of confidence and freedom of the fear of being demoted to little Mario. I'm proud to have cleared this level without using any cheats. Fuck you angry sun!


There were some pretty awesome powers in this game never to appear in later Mario games. Imagine having hammer bros. or the frog suit in current Mario games. Hey Nintendo! Bring these back. They were great.


Playing this again made me realize how many staples of Mario culture were established with this game like how ghosts only attack if you turn your back. Have you ever felt the presence of a ghost? I sometimes think that things are the opposite of what we feel. What if the ghosts are just as scared of us as we are of them? That's why I like to suddenly turn around and scream. Maybe I just made a ghost shit their pants.

chain chomps.jpg

I thought that Chain Chomps here made his debut in Mario 64, but here he is way back in the 80s in 8 bit.


You're not eating me this time big fish!


OK, I'm only in the third world and I have zero memory of these evil little guys at all. I've clearly never made it to this point and I can see why. It's hard as hell. Even with a bunch of lives, powers, and the ability to rewind time, this game is still a kick in the nuts. Well done Nintendo! I'll call it quits for now, but I'll be back...


You're emulating these on mobile?

I miss the physical buttons so much and feel sorry for kids today playing all these crap games on their phones not knowing the joy of holding a real controller.

I relate to this frustration, even though I stopped emulating on mobile years ago. !LOL I make sure to use a controller now, sometimes even on mobile.

Have a !PIZZA with !LUV

I had one of these really good Bluetooth controllers that also held and charged the phone. My friend asked to borrow it for two days. I never saw it or her again.

You probably shouldn't give that friend other things again, !LOLZ


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Thanks for sharing. I'm glad you liked it. It will take me a few days, but I'll clear the whole game and post about it again.

Mario selling for millions? That's actually a really rare case, that's almost impossible to replicate.

"it would've been a very good investment. I remember seeing a mint condition Mario game cartridge selling for over a million dollars recently."

The cartridge that was auctioned for 1M was also a limited edition version of the game that was only released once, finding one at all is impressive, that's what gives a pristine copy a higher value.

Most physical games from that era didn't get as expensive as many people think when you count inflation!

Yay! 🤗
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