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RE: The Best Game You Can Play in Winter! - Frostpunk

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

My Frostpunk adventure was at the start of the year and I really enjoyed it. xD Reminds me, I need to get back into my A-Z of Steam Library Gaming, I think I'm up to the letter L...

Anyway, Frostpunk is fantastic. I distinctly remember my people being idiots though. Like, I'm the mayor, I'm just trying to do what's best for them, and then they hoist me up on their shoulders and throw me out into the frozen wastes to die, all because I wanted their children to work and we had to have limbs amputated every so often due to frostbite. I mean. It was all for the greater good. xD


hahahahah I've witnessed this many times. Don't worry about it, I think you'll manage to find the balance as long as you don't play on hard mode. To give a spoiler, I finished this scenario without anyone dying from cold, health problems, hunger or overwork.

You definitely get back into your series! I'd like to read ofc. Frostpunk has a new scenario btw. You should playyyy.