World of Warcraft Dragonflight — there's so much to do!

in Hive Gaming2 years ago


The Dragonflight expansion launched on Tuesday; it's now Sunday and I've hit max-level! An easy feat. People did it on the first day. I, however, was taking my time and investigating all the things.

Even though I've hit max level and have completed the campaign story that is currently available (more will be released in increments), I still have a lot of quests to finish, I still have more dragonriding races to beat, and there are a couple of other systems in play that I was unaware of.


When I finished the campaign, I received the ability to "rock climb" and do some "cataloguing" for the explorer's expedition. Intriguing.

I'll get to that when I get to it though.


First I want to talk about the fourth zone's campaign quest. Where I travelled through the future, into the past, and into an alternate timeline where Murlocs ruled the day.

Here we have King Varian Murloc himself.


Oh look. I'm fighting alongside my Murloc-self. xD


AND OH LOOK. Deathwing is a Murloc too. Haha!! I just thought this whole alternate timeline thing was brilliant. I thoroughly enjoyed doing this quest chain.

Now that I've finished the beginning of this new campaign, I'm actually very interested in what comes next and what will happen. Especially with Wrathion and the Black Dragonflight and this mysterious newcomer who has "Boss" written beneath him so I assume we'll fight him at some stage.


With the campaign done and dusted, it was time to get back to what really mattered. Dragonriding races and fishing. XD

I had to take a screenshot of the above race. I'm trying to achieve a Gold rating in every single race. I'm not up to Advanced racing and it's a touch more difficult than the normal races with purple baubles of bad that stun you and make you fall out of the sky.

Anyway. I was 0.064 seconds away from winning Gold in the above screenshot and I was gobsmacked. Had to take a screenie of that horrible failure, haha!


^ Purple Bauble of Bad.


With fishing, I've been trying and trying to find clams for their clam meat so I can progress my cooking.

I fished in so many pools all around the new zones, I swam around the coast in case you could find the clams on the ocean floor, but alas, it was never to be.

Until. I just threw my fishing line into the open non-pooled water. Then I started finding the silly things. With this discovery I fished for quite a long time. xD And then progressed my cooking. I can now make a Haste and Mastery food thanks to all this fish, which will be perfect for my Warrior and for my partner's Paladin tank.


Even though I was taking my time levelling compared to everyone else in the world, I still managed to be the first of my friends group finished and ready for progression once they're all ready.

This gives me time to get my professions to be the best I can get them to be and farm up all the materials required for my super awesome blacksmithing and cooking, so once we start doing Mythic+ dungeons we'll be all set. I need to make more gold too, since I don't have an alchemist and potions will be required. Time to start being an Auction Housekateer!


Yes I'm still taking aesthetically pleasing screenshots and yes I still have to share them with you. Muahahaha!

I've found myself in a position where my quest log is completely full and there are SO MANY QUESTS all over the place and I can't pick them up until I complete the ones I've already got.


So, let's try out some of this rock climbing, shall we?

It's basically a puzzle where you need to manage your grip, avoid obstacles like spitting murlocs, and rescue someone or supplies. Honestly, I don't see the point in it when I have a perfectly good dragon that can take me to those hard to reach places, but I like that there's something new to play around with in-game.


You can unlock further abilities as well. All I can do at the moment is lend someone a helping hand, but that's easily expanded by going back to the rock-climbing quest guy and playing around with my supply kit.

There we go. More abilities. Except the last two because they're expensive and I'm not sure I want to waste all my resources just yet. xD


I had four quests for one dungeon, so I thought I'd better finally do it. xD I prefer to do dungeons with my friends, but sometimes you just have to hop in with some randoms and hope they're not terrible.

I may or may not have hit a group who didn't know how to run out of bad, but we managed to finish it and I handed in my quests.


Now that I had room for a whole five more quests, I zoomed back to the expedition camp and found the new Cataloguing activity.

This actually looks like it's right up my alley! Taking pictures of the wildlife?? Let's begin!


Upon a raft, a large woman rowed me down the riverbank as I wielded my camera. I aimed it at various creatures and clicked away. Soon I was out of film and had to quickly load a new reel into my camera, and then I could continue taking moar photos!

It's a short little minigame but I'm pleased with it. 😊


Now that I had some more room for quests, I flew to the Black Dragonflight area as apparently there was a weekly active... a weekly in which you choose to ally yourself with either Wrathion or his brother whom you've only just met.

Obviously I chose Wrathion, but you can choose to ally with the other the next week and get your reputation up with the both of them. I just thought I'd work on Wrathion's first.


All in all, I'm very happy with my experience in this new expansion so far.

The storyline is interesting. The graphics are beautiful. Professions are actually worth doing. AND THERE IS SO MUCH TO DO. The great hunts, several world events every few hours, the cataloguing, rock climbing, dragonracing, the typical dungeon activities and dailies. So much. There was something else at the Cobalt Assembly in the Blue Dragonflight zone, but I am overwhelmed with things to do; I'll have to check it out in my next post.

If you've left World of Warcraft and were wondering when would be a good time to come back to the game; now, now is that time. Whether you're a casual player or a hardcore elitist, there is so much for you, for everyone — check it out!


Until next time!! 🔥🐲



All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci and are from the game: World of Warcraft, Dragonflight.


I love the pictures you take, they are very well done. I congratulate you for reaching the top level, it's good to know that you achieved it by playing your way and calmly. Congratulations :3

 2 years ago  

Thanks! I love in-game photography! 😄😁 I may be the top level now, but I have a long ways to go! Now it's time to level up professions and start getting better gear. 🙂

The image captures of your game are great. It's nice when there's enough content to play. I never understood fishing in open world games. In general, my idea was to kill with the best possible weapon, everything that was within my reach. But I see that there are players who like fishing.

 2 years ago  

If you don't fish, you can't cook the best food in the game, and that food gives you more power so you can kill everything better with that best possible weapon. xD

People buy it like crazy. I sold about 80,000 gold worth of fish just yesterday alone. 🤑

Ah, in this kind of game people will do anything to get to the maximum level. I'm sure most of them don't sleep. You're doing the right thing in my opinion. Enjoying the game and investigating everything. You're trying to discover the story.

 2 years ago  

Oh I know, these games attract elitists who only want to be max level and be the best and throw tantrums if they don't win. Because of players like that, I like to stick with my little group, haha.

Enjoying the whole game and everything it has to offer and not take it too seriously is the way to go! Not enough MMO players just... enjoy things, haha! 😅

Excelent brother! I heard about the game and I have several friends who play it but I haven't decided yet 😁 maybe I'll be encouraged these days. Any advice for someone new? What profession do you recommend that is quite lucrative?

I like to climb, good function!

 2 years ago  

Not a brother! 😅

This game can be very overwhelming for a new person, especially these days. Years ago it was straightforward: quest and do dungeons to level. Now you'll be max level within the week and have all this stuff thrown at you and it can be a bit too much. But if you have friends who play they can guide you through it all! 🙂

Gathering professions are probably the most lucrative. Picking herbs, mining ore, skinning animals, fishing, hunting cooking ingredients. It can be a bit hit-and-miss with the proper professions where you actually make things, but gathering in my experience, people always are willing to buy those things as most people just craft their own stuff.

Damm this expantion is looking really great with the game play you are providing us! i love how you explore all the aspects of the game!

 2 years ago  

i love how you explore all the aspects of the game!

That's the only way to play! 🙂 Not enough people enjoy these little things and only care about getting into raids and mythics ASAP. More people should slow down and take a look around. 😅

Recently a couple of friends told me about this, one of the most primitive games in the industry, it looks great, and I might spend a few hours on it, nice post.

 2 years ago  

Cheers 🙂 it's a pretty good addition to the game!

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