Why I can't stop buying LVL tokens [PsyberX]

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

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I've been slowly accumulating PsyberX's native token LVL for the past week or so and the more I think about this project the more bullish I get.

I made a post last week going over a general overview of what PsyberX is and how the ecosystem is going to work.

In this video I will be going over few reasons why I am so bullish about this project and why I think it will be one of the biggest investment opportunity ever!

Head over to https://hive.blog/@psyberx to learn more about their project @psyberx
Also check out their discord channel over here - https://discord.gg/dVnzrEsGkN

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This could be a big project, for sure... but at the moment there is only hype.

I started off buying some, just on a whim, but now with the huge spread on HE, I'm just doing arbitrage trades of the coins, since I can make an easy 30% or more per transaction just buying & selling LVL, with no headache, and no bots to compete with :-)

Trueee, it is all hype and speculation at the moment.

That's smart! Me personally I got in pretty low so I don't mind holding for the long term.
That's the beauty of the blockchain, you're free to do whatever you like with your coins :)

PsyberX seems the next big thing on Hive blockchain gaming and watching your video convinced me to get onboard. Let's see where this will take us!

Glad to hear! Welcome aboard, you're still in super early 👻

I had bought a good chunk a couple weeks ago and now I just went in and upped my stake to the Tier 3 level. What the hell...it's only money, right? lol Your little videos look pretty awesome. If that's how the game turns out it should be pretty sweet!

I agree with you. Just now learning all I can about it.

holy fucking shit this looks amazing, THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN WAITING FOR!!!

I see you on the richlist https://leodex.io/richlist/LVL 👀
Welcome aboard and don't forget to join our official discord channel!

Any ideas on when the game goes live? Nice one for the links.

It was fun putting a voice to the name...also, it was kinda cool to see what your thoughts were nearly 6 months ago.