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RE: What Would a Good 2D Metroidvania-style Videogame Look Like? (ENG/ESP)

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

effectively, imagine not having to enrich someone else when you can generate money without working for others, in that case there are games that monetize, as mentioned above we have tibia, but of course to see a profit you have to be playing it every day without abandoning it, because a day you do not play is a day you do not charge, it is complicated but worth it, despite having such retro graphics is a good game and best of all is that you monetize.

Besides there is another game that you can achieve to monetize, it is called warframe, but to monetize there is more complicated.

Now I know that many of us like to play and despite everything we do not do it to generate money, but we are passionate about it and we love it, but the fact of playing and generating money in which you can spend 24x24 hours playing and generating money is a dream come true.