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RE: Little diary of a gamer. [ENG - ESP]

I have definitely felt this way before! I actually just got through a two-week period where I didn't want to even look at my PC... and I didn't force myself to! I picked up a new book, watched a few shows, and played some tabletop games for two weeks and then when I got an urge to sit down and play something I was able to approach it with fresh enthusiasm.

Sometimes disconnecting for a bit can be super helpful!


Thank you very much for this comment, it was very helpful. Many here have written to me about disconnecting, and they are right. Sometimes it's important to take a break to get back to what you love with more strength. In this case watching series has helped me a lot, I also read a book that I always read when there is a power outage in my house.


I'm glad that it helped!