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RE: Glontstone has reached her final form and will soon be Elden Lord

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

So what they say is true, that magic is the easy way to complete the game without much effort?

But from what you're saying if you have to have a lot of reflexes when playing because with anything you're in limbo hahaha, that to me makes it more fair, how stressful Fire giant must have been.


Sorcerer is easy for some of the fights, but not all of them. Since this is his second play through, he is also familiar with how the fights go, so he has gotten a lot of the learning curve of the game out of the way.

It's not necessarily the easy way. I'm heavily assisted with having beaten all the bosses before and know their gimmicks. I also know where all the good items are so I can buff myself up before all the fights.