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RE: MuTerra has the potential to be the next huge P2E game on Hive

in Hive Gaminglast year

I'm hearing about Muterra here on Hive, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

I like video games but never have enough time; if you think that my crates on Splinterlands are intended for rent... actually on Paly2earn I believe that the investment that leads to earnings is precisely that of an entrepreneurial type, as for axie... you buy, hold, receive rewards and maybe you rent what you receive to generate income... you never really earn too much from game prizes.

Anyway I'm going to take a look at it, plus investing 10 dollars isn't the end of the world and if by doing so you're among the first in something that then becomes profitable I think it should be done... risking a pizza won't ruin us heh heh!

I think I'll buy the pizza tonight anyway because mentioning it made me want to lol!


I was willing to pay $10 to be able to test this game out as soon as all of the features become available.

Pizza sounds good 🍕😋

Yes, tonight I'll have the one with tuna, onion and corn... obviously giant size eh eh!


This size seems right to me ... good dinner!