[ENG-ESP] Mi selección de juegos favoritos para android. / My selection of favorite games on android.

in Hive Gaming3 years ago


Que tal mis queridos hivers ¿Como estan? en esta oportunidad les vengo a hablar sobre mis videojuegos favoritos de android, no quiere decir que sean los mejores o que a ustedes tambien les tengan que gustar, solo quiero compartir los videojuegos que me han regalado horas de entretenimiento sin parar.

Si bien dije que es mi seleccion de juegos en android no quiere decir que los usuarios de iphone no puedan disfrutarlos, es solo que mi smartphone es android, pero estoy seguro que los que tengan iphone podran divertirse por igual y sin problemas.


What's up my dear hivers how are you? in this opportunity I come to talk about my favorite android video games, does not mean that they are the best or that you also have to like, I just want to share the games that have given me hours of non-stop entertainment.

Although I said that is my selection of games on android does not mean that iphone users can not enjoy them, it's just that my smartphone is android, but I'm sure that those who have iphone can have fun equally and without problems.

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Si les gustan los juegos competitivos y tambien los juegos con animaciones divertidas y caricaturescas quizas les guste este juego, yo lo comence a jugar en su lanzamiento global por alla en 2018 y debo decir que ha evolucionado bastante desde entonces, incluyendo en las ultimas actualizaciones el tan preciado pase de batalla que ya existia en otros videojuegos.

Cuenta con distintas modalidades de juego siempre en batallas 3vs3 a excepcion de uno de sus modos que es un tipo de battle royale en solitario o en duo si asi lo prefieres.

Un juego en el que tu habilidad es lo que te hara destacar por encima de los demas, el como manejes los personajes decidiran si ganas o pierdes la partida, ademas de que nunca se torna aburrido ya que cada partida es distinta de la anterior. No esta de mas echarle una miradita.


If you like competitive games and also games with fun and cartoonish animations you might like this game, I started playing it at its global launch back in 2018 and I must say that it has evolved quite a bit since then, including in the latest updates the so precious battle pass that already existed in other video games.

It has different game modes always in 3vs3 battles except for one of its modes that is a type of battle royale solo or duo if you prefer.

A game in which your skill is what will make you stand out above the others, how you handle the characters will decide whether you win or lose the game, plus it never gets boring because each game is different from the previous one. It's worth taking a look at it.

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Creo que todo el que se considere gamer ya sea de PC o consola conoce la increible franquicia de Call of Duty. Pase cientos de horas jugando sus entregas de PlayStation 2 y PlayStation 3. Tiene todo lo que podriamos pedir en un videojuego, una buena historia, armas y la posibilidad de enfrentarnos a nuestros amigos en una batalla para probar quien es mas habil.

Pues la gente de Activision junto con el equipo de desarrollo de TiMi Studios nos dieron la posibilidad de seguir disfrutando de esta excelente franquicia en nuestros dispositivos moviles. Si bien la recepcion al principio no fue muy buena por el tema de los bugs, con el tiempo han ido mejorando y añadiendo nuevas cosas para hacer que nos quedemos con el juego.

No tengo mucho que decir ya que creo que la historia de la franquicia de los Call of Duty habla por si sola y quienes sean fans de este tipo de juegos les aseguro que van a disfrutar cada partida ya sea con amigos o con jugadores aleatorios.


I think everyone who considers themselves a PC or console gamer knows the incredible Call of Duty franchise. I spent hundreds of hours playing its PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3 installments. It has everything we could ask for in a video game, a good story, weapons and the possibility of facing our friends in a battle to prove who is more skilled.

Well, the people at Activision along with the development team at TiMi Studios gave us the chance to continue enjoying this excellent franchise on our mobile devices. While the reception at first was not very good because of the bugs, over time they have been improving and adding new things to make us stay with the game.

I do not have much to say because I think the history of the Call of Duty franchise speaks for itself and those who are fans of this type of game I assure you that you will enjoy every game either with friends or with random players.

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Un MMORPG con personajes de anime. Amantes de los juegos mundo abierto y fanaticos del anime, este juego esta hecho para ustedes. Cuenta con un apartado grafico hermoso, con variedad de personajes que tienen habilidades unicas, puedes jugar por horas y horas sin aburrirte ya que el estudio desarrollador siempre esta sacando nuevos eventos para mantener a su comunidad activa.

Si lo que te gusta son los juegos donde puedes tener un personaje que ataque con magia, genshin impact es un juego que te aseguro te va a encantar y que ademas es multiplataforma, podras jugar desde tu movil y conectarte con tus amigos de PC y PlayStation 4 sin problema alguno.


A MMORPG with anime characters. Lovers of open world games and anime fans, this game is made for you. It has a beautiful graphics, with a variety of characters that have unique abilities, you can play for hours and hours without getting bored because the developer studio is always bringing out new events to keep your community active.

If what you like are games where you can have a character that attacks with magic, genshin impact is a game that I assure you will love and that is also multiplatform, you can play from your mobile and connect with your friends on PC and PlayStation 4 without any problem.

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¿Quien no conoce League of Legends? El moba mas famoso que existe y el que dio pie a muchos otros conocidos hoy en dia.

Creo que muchos de nosotros los gamers hemos jugado aunque sea una sola vez al League of Legends solo por curiosidad. Pues lo que la comunidad llevaba tiempo pidiendo, al fin fue escuchado y realizado. Nos entregaron el League of Legends para dispositivos moviles que, si bien no es multiplataforma (no podras jugar con tus amigos de pc), puedes usar tu misma cuenta existente.

El juego aun se encuentra en una fase inicial y presenta algunos problemas de conectividad en algunas partes del mundo, tambien es necesario decir que no cuenta con todos los personajes como en su version de PC pero aun asi esta muy divertido y dinamico, les recomiendo que se den la oportunidad de probar este juego.


Who doesn't know League of Legends? The most famous moba that exists and the one that gave rise to many others known today.

I think many of us gamers have played League of Legends even once just out of curiosity. Well, what the community had been asking for a long time, was finally heard and done. They gave us League of Legends for mobile devices which, although it is not multiplatform (you will not be able to play with your pc friends), you can use your existing account.

The game is still in an early stage and has some connectivity problems in some parts of the world, it is also necessary to say that it does not have all the characters as in its PC version but still very fun and dynamic, I recommend that you give yourself the opportunity to try this game.


Esto ha sido todo por esta vez, espero les haya gustado mi seleccion de videojuegos favoritos, estare encantado de saber si los han jugado o si quieren recomendarme alguno, nunca se tienen suficientes videojuegos.

Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer!


That's all for this time, I hope you liked my selection of favorite video games, I'll be glad to know if you have played them or if you want to recommend any of them, you can never have enough video games.

Thanks for taking the time to read!


I think everyone has different tastes and in this case we coincide a little, in your section of your best games for android I have not played only one of them and it is the "genshin impact".
I stopped playing all these games for one reason, and that is that I have no phone:( but well, in a few weeks I can play them again, Brawl stars I played a lot with my neighbors in the living room of my house were armed those games like you have no idea, if, as you say is a very competitive game and with all its game modes that has make it a very amazing game. The same thing happened to me with League of Legends, I played it in two ways on pc and mobile, in both I liked it a lot! it's a tremendous game. Call of Duty I couldn't enjoy it much on mobile because I played it mostly on PS3 with my friends, so I don't know what to tell you about it, but the little I played it I enjoyed it and it entertained me a lot for several hours. When I have new phone I would have to try the last game that I missed to have the same tastes as yours friend. A great greeting and good post really, these games are a marvel in the world of video games.