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RE: Video Games Being Blamed For Violence | Part 4: The Counter-Strike Stabbing | - Los videojuegos son culpados por la violencia | Parte 4: El apuñalamiento de Counter-Strike | Eng - Esp

in Hive Gaming2 years ago (edited)

Most of the people who blame videogames for violence can't even operate some basic tasks on a smart phone, might sound dumb and ignorant, but it's true.

Spewing crap about a certain something which they don't know anything about, nor do they care to know or understand. They will only have the right to pass comments when they've reviewed a certain aspect of the humungous list of videogame genres and this industry.

Spending at least a 100 hours into proper research, which is the minimum amount of time a person needs to invest in order to fairly understand a certain thing. Only then these people will have the right to make comments or to leave a review. Their assumptions and the guesses they take are just disrespectful; showing the behavior of a know it all, just because they're older and "wiser", as they say. I say it's just childish, but I bet even a child knows better about a videogame.

All these bans over videogames, or certain type of games in many courtiers is just a recipe for disaster. Videogames and the gaming industry are a crucial part of the future, and neglecting this billion dollar industry will only hinder the growth of a nation and community.


I couldn't agree more! However I think in this case, video games did have something to do with it considering it was the catalyst for this grudge this dude has.

Not saying that video games warped his mind, and more then likely this would have happened somewhere down the line if video games were not involved, but the entire reason he did this was because of a video game.

Pretty much what I am trying to say is that the video game isn't too blame, but it was the thing that started this event.

As they say you know "blame the game not the player" but I say it should be the opposite for most cases, "blame the player and their actions, not the game".

We all have our little grudges with these games and certain opponents in some competitive games; we say a lot of rough stuff and may seem rude, but at the end of the day, we mean no harm, it's all just trash talk. Some people just take it too seriously I guess, bit of ego or maybe even "mental" issue is present there, without a doubt.

So, blaming videogames and the industry as a whole is not going to solve it. The developers should focus on the player's safety and try to enhance their experience to make their time and money worth every penny. While the Gov try their best to promote competitive gaming and the industry, bringing in more development and "moolah" via gaming and its huge billion dollar industry.