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RE: Legends of Elumia : Pet Breeding is Coming

in Hive Gaming2 months ago

People are funny in the bull. They get irrational and antsy. They don't remember that making something well takes time.

There was a comment I was going to post, but it seems to have vanished. Keeping up with the Elumia discord is a cinch as there's little content placed it in, besides complaints!

I won't be playing a lot until there's something proper and new. The toons can wait, they will always be there.., not an issue.


This is true. I could probably go back and play my WoW toons if I wanted to!

I did look at my WOW toons years ago. Blizzard had decided to rename most of them because the 'good' names were taken. So now my alts all have shitty names. The main they left, and I had a great name 'Seductress'. It might have been renamed too by now... fuckers!

Oh man, that sucks! I'd hate to see what they have done with my toons. Did you have to pay to go in and see them?

No, last time I looked WoW was free to play up to L20. I got the the toon screen and groaned in dismay. Didn't go any further.

Looks like I can't even look at my old toons unless I resubscribe. I'm not going down that road at this point in time :)

They have an API but it doesn't show you anything unless your toon has been active in the last 30 days, a bit crap!

I thought there used to be a site where you could see it. Oh well. Definitely crap!