[Straw Plays] Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - Part Three (The Last Waterfall)

in Hive Gaming4 months ago


Today we continue collecting the last coins and then making it to the third "faucet". This should open the door forward and get us one step closer to the tusk. There's a lot of enemies waiting on the way though and I am so glad I decided to switch to mouse and keyboard for the battles because it's so much easier.

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After finding all the coins we also manage to get our hands on the bracelet which unlocks a pretty cool power. Will probably come in handy as we move forward from here. As we progress I have also stopped disliking Nadine as much as I did at the beginning. I guess she'll make an okay partner for this mission.

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We find out some backstory today about Chloe and how she knows the Drake boys which I found interesting. I hope there will be a remake of the previous titles so that we can experience it first hand.

I will continue with this game until the weekend and then I have something else planned. Another game that I haven't played for over a year and I think it's about time we jump back in and check how much has changed. I think it might have improved a lot since then. See you tomorrow!



I love the uncharted saga I would love to play it someday, The Lost Legacy looks amazing.

It's very good. Hope you get to play it someday too :D Until then I hope my let's play is enough haha.

The Uncharted saga has always been recommended to me, I have never given myself the task of playing it, but it is true that in terms of gaming experience is very good, you can be a bounty hunter like Indiana Jones or something like that haha.

Among all the games of the saga the one that most appeals to me is the 4th, I remember once I went to a friend's house to play and we were on a mission where you had to drive a car, as I did not know what the game was about I went down a ravine and the characters died haha. Xd

Good post Uncharted keep it up!

Yeah it's definitely one game that a lot of people recommend. When I bought my first console I asked the guy working in Gamestop what he would recommend and he immediately said Uncharted lol. So I ended up getting it and I loved it. Can't wait for the rest of the games to come to PC.

Haha that's funny. I died like that in Uncharted 4 too. It's a great game and like you said, it makes you feel like a real treasure hunter.