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RE: Gran Turismo 6 gameplay - April 1 2024

in Hive Gaming2 months ago

ZAAAAAmn this is a epic post, you even did the Table thing. I used to do that for Art color hexacodes but that was too tedious.

Grrrrrrrrrr at this point if a game is over a decade old. They should make it free, or atleast the DLC's.

Hahahaha you uploaded it on april 1.

Also for a Nissan Blue bird. You have a red car. HMMMMMMM


Hah yeah man trying out some new markdown in my posts. It does feel like coding a bit.

I feel ya, its pretty lame Sony locked people out of getting the DLC in some cases. You have to use save game editors to get the items on GT5.

Lol... They did not let me choose the color.

Game modding like editing the text file of my save or animating with some bit of code commands have taught me a few tricks here and there.

Sadge. The car is on the red team! GET EM!