Double Dragon 2: The Revenge Analysis - NES Classics

in Hive Gaminglast year

Double Dragon is an action and fighting video game originally released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) console in 1987. Developed by Technos Japan and published by Taito in Japan and Tradewest in North America, Double Dragon was one of the first video games of its genre to incorporate a cooperative two-player mode in which both players could fight together on screen.


The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic setting in which two brothers, Billy and Jimmy Lee, must rescue Billy's girlfriend, Marian, who has been kidnapped by a gang called the "Black Warriors." Players control Billy and/or Jimmy as they progress through levels, fighting against gang members and other enemies.


Double Dragon was very popular upon its release and became a classic of video games in its era. In addition to its cooperative gameplay mode, the game also included a variety of fighting moves and weapons that players could use to combat their enemies.

Graphics and Sound

The graphics in Double Dragon on the NES are quite simple and do not compare to the graphics of more modern games, but they were impressive for their time. The characters look good and can be clearly distinguished on the screen. The game's color palette is limited, but this is common in NES games. The levels are varied and have different themes, which makes the game feel less repetitive.

The music and sound effects are one of the highlights of Double Dragon. The game's music is very catchy and memorable, and the fighting sound effects are satisfying. The grunts and hits make the fights feel more realistic.



Double Dragon is an action and fighting game in which players fight against enemies as they progress through levels. The game has a variety of moves and attacks that players can use to fight against enemies, including punches, kicks, throws, and the use of weapons.

The two-player cooperative mode is one of the highlights of Double Dragon's gameplay. Players can fight together on screen, helping each other to fight against enemies. This makes the game more exciting and easier to play.


However, there are some negative aspects to Double Dragon's gameplay. For example, the game's controls are a bit clunky, making some moves difficult to execute. There are also moments when enemies attack the player without the player being able to defend themselves, which can be frustrating.


Levels and Difficulty

Double Dragon has several different levels, each with its own theme and enemies. The levels range from urban streets to factories and military bases. Each level is long enough to keep players interested, but not so long as to make the game boring.

The difficulty of Double Dragon varies throughout the game, with the first levels being relatively easy, while the later levels become more challenging. Enemies become stronger and level bosses are harder to beat.

In addition to common enemies, players also face level bosses at the end of each level. These bosses are larger and more powerful than normal enemies and require a different strategy to defeat. Bosses can be frustrating, as some of them have moves that are hard to predict.

The game also has a variety of weapons that players can use, including sticks, whips, knives, and barrels. Weapons are useful in combat but have a limited number of uses and can be taken away by enemies.


As for the story, Double Dragon has a simple but effective plot. The plot unfolds as players progress through levels, and the final events of the game are satisfying. The plot is also simple enough that players do not get too distracted from the main action of the game.

In summary, Double Dragon is a classic action and fighting video game. Despite being over 30 years old, the game remains fun to play. The two-player cooperative mode is one of the game's highlights, and the music and sound effects are excellent. Although the difficulty can be frustrating at times, the game is overall a satisfying and recommended experience for retro video game lovers.



Some gems, old, but, too entertaining, the way the screen graphics change, I can tell that you took them from different pages, some look with high and detailed graphics and others look as if you were in the year 2008 or a little later, when you could still play with your Nintendo and you could barely distinguish the characters.

Thanks for sharing this fighting game.

Hi @gaming.yer, yes, several of the images I took from different pages, trying as much as possible to represent the words I mention in the post.
For me it is one of the NES video games that I played the most in the past, I still have the cartridge because I have a great appreciation for it.
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